Crime on the rise?


But I think whitedust raises a valid point. People get in such a lathered up frenzy about arming themselves to the teeth to guard against that unknown assailant that will break into your house while you are there sleeping but yet the chance of that happening appear to me to be very low.

Now before you start jumping in my s**t about gun ownership rights that's not what I just said. I got it, 2nd amendment allows you to own guns, not opposed. I just don't understand the frenzy.

I have friends who own handguns. None of them have ever been mugged, homes broken into, wives raped, trucks stolen, or daughters taken for slavery. Yet they are armed to the teeth to "get the bastards before they get me". I don't get it. Apart from an occasional trip to the shooting range the only use for these handguns is to sit in the garage and show them to each other.

And that's fine, again, not opposed to 2nd amendment. I just don't get the frenzy when it appears there is so much more in my life that is a risk.


Well-known member
No offense taken. Maybe it's just a cultural difference. When you live in the city, crime is an every day occurrence. Not necessarily to you, but it's there.

When I was away at college, our house WAS broken in to -- and my mom was home. She thought about going for a gun, but did what you should always do if you have the chance, which is get out. Perps were in the basement, she had a clear path to the door, so no sense in going to look for them. I would do the same thing, if it were to happen to me. The self-defense weapon should ONLY come into play if there is no other option.

By the way, this was in 1983, twenty-seven years ago. Things haven't gotten better.


New member
Sounds like an episode for ultimate warriors, 357 vs. hickory stick. In a dark room in the middle of the night, hickory stick hands down.


New member
Big dog is best deterent.

Used to live in Chicago (NW Burbs), I found that the best deterrent was a well trained 80 pound male Doberman (literally he went everywhere with me). Ran into serious trouble three times in my years of travel around the city, I always found it rather amazing how fast a “gangsta” can run when being chased down by a dog that is intent on grabbing them by the throat.


Well-known member
Sounds like an episode for ultimate warriors, 357 vs. hickory stick. In a dark room in the middle of the night, hickory stick hands down.

Could be interesting.....hickory stick probably has the advantage in close, hand-to-hand combat. But the idea is to NOT let the perp get that close. I'll still take my chances with the night sight equipped boom-boom maker. Hopefully, the odds are that even a missed shot will be enough to convince a bad guy that he doesn't want to stick around to see where the next one goes.

I'm sure nobody wants to be put into this situation. I know I sure don't. But that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore the possibility that it can happen. I'd rather be prepared and never have it happen, than to pretend it always happens to someone else and be up the proverbial creek when it happens to me.


Used to live in Chicago (NW Burbs), I found that the best deterrent was a well trained 80 pound male Doberman (literally he went everywhere with me). Ran into serious trouble three times in my years of travel around the city, I always found it rather amazing how fast a “gangsta” can run when being chased down by a dog that is intent on grabbing them by the throat.

Won't work for me. I have Golden Retrievers and they would just sit there and wait for a treat!


New member
How many people who are pushing daisies right now, WISHED that they had better prepared themselves for that "once in a life-time" event??

Do you really think that someone breaking into your home will be coming there with their own brass knuckles, or hickory stick?

They will have a die, game over, your wife collects the life insurance, the guy walks....end of story.

It happens, every single day all over the USA and the world. In every town, class of people...and ignoring that and feeling safe, is folly at best. Everyone everywhere is you have to ask yah feel lucky....well do yah punk??? (couldn't resist that one)

There is NO do-overs here! You are either prepared for the worst case situation, or you are only half prepared.

I admire people who understand this and take all that time to GET everyone prepared for that ONCE IN A LIFE TIME EVENT. Thankfully so far it has never happened. BUT....knowing you can defend yourself, protecting yourself, and if it comes down to HIM OR ME things....know that I am prepared too.

While I know that some folks use this "self protection" thing to a degree of crazyness....and there is always the idiot who leaves the gun around for his kid to haul out and show everyone. YOU can NOT be TOO prepared...for that ONCE in a lifetime event.

IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY needing a generator when your power goes out for 4 days....too late to find a generator need it now to be ready...and hope you never will need it.

My kids saw my guns...all of them. They knew where they were and they also knew that they could run get one and hide in the corner should someone uninvited came after them. I taught them to respect a weapon of self defense and that it was NOT something to play with or fool around with.

Though they are all gone now...they understand how to use one and one has a loaded gun with her, and one chooses not to (or more likely her afraid of guns husband....) That's is their lives that they are defending.

Boy scouts know that to "be prepared" is the best position to be in when and if you ever need it, and who am I to scoff at that???


Well-known member
My kids saw my guns...all of them. They knew where they were and they also knew that they could run get one and hide in the corner should someone uninvited came after them. I taught them to respect a weapon of self defense and that it was NOT something to play with or fool around with.

Same with me when I was a kid growing up.


I see your point, moose. As I said in my post I just don't understand the frenzy. My dad had a gun in the house but it wasn't a focal point of his existence. It just sat there on the shelf, once a year he would clean it, then put it back. It was, as you say, like a generator. Never needed it. But, it was there just in case.

I have a friend here who is stockpiling ammo. He has more guns than a small army. He is ready to "get the bastards before they get me".

At the same time he is spending all this time and emotional energy (and money) arming himself against the unseen assailant in the middle of the night he has lost his business, his home, his job, and all his savings. But yet, he is armed against the bastards that, most likely, will never come.

America cannot shoot its way out of a repressive national debt. Guns will not reverse the destruction of the middle class and bring jobs back from China and Mexico. AIG, Lehman Bros, Goldman Sachs, and NAFTA have removed more of our middle class wealth than any random low chance burglar will ever do, yet, we arm ourselves against the lowest possible threat.

I just wish people had the same frenzy about the real issues that have already robbed us of our homes, jobs, and careers. Losing your future is a lot worse than losing your TV. I dunno, maybe we just feel helpless and guns make us feel more secure. Personally, I would feel a lot more secure if GM re-opened the Janesville plant and if Polaris didn't move to Mexico, as these actions would create wealth and security in Wisconsin.

I think it was russholio a couple of posts ago that said "it's a cultural difference", and I guess he is right. I just don't see how filling my shop full of guns and ammo is going to bring back the wealth that was stolen from me by AIG and the rest of the crooks.

Thanks for listening.

***now for the mandatory disclaimer, please don't jump in my s**t. I am not against the Second Amendment or your right to own guns. I just don't understand the frenzy***
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Well-known member
I have a bunch of guns but hickory stick is the way to go. Hickory stick stops up side the head the bullet from my 44 mag goes thru the perp then the wall & the next room & anybody else in the way. Hickory stick gets only the one that needs to be whacked. Odds are it will never happen anyway so the weapon frenzy is puzzling to me too. I lived, inner city, burbs & country & best offense / defense is not to mess with me then you don't get hurt. I don't look for trouble but when it comes my way I deal with it on the spot & it is over. Once punks know NOT to mess with you life is easy. Boundaries can be taught when they step over the line it hurts. You don't like pain understand the boundary. Always worked for me.


Well-known member
No frenzy here. Yeah, I own some guns but some were inherited and most are for hunting or for my Civil War re-enacting. I don't let them control me and I'm not about to go into financial ruin by buying more. I don't stockpile ammo, I don't go to gun shows, and I don't belong to the Michigan Militia. But I do see being a crime victim as a very real possibility, and though I obviously don't WANT it to happen, and certainly don't look forward to it happening, I intend to survive it if it does.

Hickory stick stops up side the head the bullet from my 44 mag goes thru the perp then the wall & the next room & anybody else in the way.
I guess I can only say that a .44 mag, with all that power, probably isn't the best choice for self-defense. Effective, yes -- but other calibers will effectively do the job with much less likelihood of collateral damage.

And I'll still take my .45 over a hickory stick in an encounter with some cracked-out punk -- especially in the likely event that he himself is wielding some sort of deadly weapon.
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I have lots of guns also but I prefer my bow a 3 bladed muzzy thru the vitals will work just no guns or hickory for me.


Well-known member
Holy crap!!
Just read thru all these posts. You can sure tell it's summer.
Relax all. It will pass.

I think it's all in the spirit of good conversation. Everybody who has commented is remaining civil, there's no hostility, name-calling, or bashing of other opinions. Doesn't seem like anybody is "unrelaxed".

But yeah, it sure would be nicer to talk about snow and trail conditions! :D


Well-known member
44 Mag was & is for hunting.....double action nice gun. The hickory stick is for intruders without messing up the house also varmits I don't want around the place. Dual Survival proved that point last night & put meat on the the fire too.


Well-known member
I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. But personally, if there's an intruder in my house, the last thing I'm worried about is messing it up. That can be fixed and/or replaced. Lives can't.


Well-known member
Hey russholio I raised 4 daughters & protected them from everyone & everything without ever needing a gun. Had a few men/boys pee their pants when I caught up with them & I always made a point of finding an opportunity 1 on 1 to make my point to stop bad behavior or the hickory stick would be next. You don't need guns to make someone see that a good idea at a one time is a bad a idea when faced with some hickory stick up the side of the head. Always worked for me but I'm in pretty good shape for an old guy & relentless when pursuing a perp to find just right moment to be understood.


Active member
I don't have guns, they won't do me any good because I can't take them where ever I go in Chicagoland. Nor can I take a knife, hickory stick, bat, etc...therefore I rely on being aware of my surroundings all the time and good old-fashion self-defense. Have I ever had to use it, no, but the criminals know when your on to them and your ready for their strike. Remember, their looking for an easy victim, not someone who will give them a challange.

If someone breaks into my house, all I have is my dogs and myself. Hopefully that's enough.

(I like guns and I believe in the 2nd Admendment, but what good are they if their not with you.)