cutting wood



just started cutting today and probably knocked out about 25% of 1 load (5 cord), got a good 2.5 hrs in. I also had to load it in the wheel barrel and dump it across the yard


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I started in on about 3 cords of red oak on Friday and finished up on Saturday. It's cut and split but it's in a pile. I still need to load it up and haul it 20 miles so I can unload and stack it at home. I can't wait.


Well-known member
I wish my wood came to me in a nice pile like that. I made about 11-12 cords this fall. Some of the trees came from the woods around my home, about 8 cords, and the rest came from my dads woods, about 18 miles away. I only need about 5 cords a year, but I am laid-off and needed something to keep me busy. Also I don't plan on getting laid-off next year, so it will be a little easier trying to work and get enough wood for the winter. I always cut for the next year, so now I'm good for the next 2 years. Plus the basement is full of wood for this winter. I enjoy working in the fall, in the woods, so it's all good.
just started cutting today and probably knocked out about 25% of 1 load (5 cord), got a good 2.5 hrs in. I also had to load it in the wheel barrel and dump it across the yard

Lenny, you need to get a bigger wheel barrel!

Brings back memories when I hauled several tons of stone out of the basement of an old home.

One piece of advice, if the loaded wheel barrel is tipping, let in go, don't try to stop it. Tore knee ligaments trying to stop one once. Made sure no neighbors saw what happened, you know the male ego is quite fragile.



it is hard work but I do enjoy it. The wheel barrel is a normal sized but the timber was a bit big. I still fill it with about 4 of those larger ones


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think this will fit in somewhere on this thread...

The Native Americans asked their Chief in autumn, if the
winter was going to be cold or not. Not really knowing an
answer, the chief replies that the winter was going to be
cold and that the members of the village were to collect
wood to be prepared.

Being a good leader, he then went to the next phone booth
and called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is this
winter to be cold?"

The man on the phone responded, "This winter was going to
be quite cold indeed."

So the Chief went back to speed up his people to collect
even more wood to be prepared. A week later he called the
National Weather Service again, "Is it going to be a very
cold winter?"

"Yes," the man replied, "it's going to be a very cold winter."

So the Chief goes back to his people and orders them to go
and find every scrap of wood they can find. Two weeks later
he calls the National Weather Service again: "Are you
absolutely sure, that the winter is going to be very cold?"

"Absolutely," the man replies, "the Indians are
collecting wood like crazy!"


New member
Lenny cord or face cord?


Cord of wood and a face cord of wood?

Do you or anyone on JD know the size of each?

In Sept. I bought 3 face cords of wood and the guy delivered it to my cabin for $185.00.

Is that a fair price? The wood was all split and he unloaded in a pile and it seems to burn real good.

Just wondering



way to go lenny shoud of called you know how goofy i am

HEY!!!!!! I aint done yet, I have a girls saw compared to yours. That wood is gonna be there for a while since I am allready working 10 hrs a day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;)

I didnt even know it was coming. I got home from thanksgiving in Illinois and whalla,,,,,it's sittin in me front yard
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Cord of wood and a face cord of wood?

Do you or anyone on JD know the size of each?

In Sept. I bought 3 face cords of wood and the guy delivered it to my cabin for $185.00.

Is that a fair price? The wood was all split and he unloaded in a pile and it seems to burn real good.

Just wondering


from what I understand there are 3 face cord per cord. A single face cord is about 4 ft tall, 8 ft long and 16 inches wide. So, a full cord would be 4 ft tall, 8 ft long and 4 ft wide. I buy it right off the log truck for 70 a cord. I have to cut, split and stack. I have never bought wood cut or split so I am uncertain of the cost.

rp7x can answer that question for you as he is a real pro when it comes to firewood
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Active member
A cord (a.k.a. full cord) is the amount of wood that, when "ranked and well stowed" (i.e., arranged in a manner so that pieces are aligned, parallel, touching and compact), takes up a volume of 128 cubic feet. This corresponds to a woodpile 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long; or any other arrangement of linear measurements that yields the same volume.

A face cord of wood is commonly understood to be a stack of wood four feet high by eight feet long and as wide as the length of the individual firewood pieces. The size of the individual pieces is where it gets tricky, for example: If the average piece length is 16 inches, then the face cord is ⅓ of a full cord; if the average piece length is 12 inches, then the face cord is ¼ of a full cord.


New member

a cord (a.k.a. Full cord) is the amount of wood that, when "ranked and well stowed" (i.e., arranged in a manner so that pieces are aligned, parallel, touching and compact), takes up a volume of 128 cubic feet. This corresponds to a woodpile 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long; or any other arrangement of linear measurements that yields the same volume.

A face cord of wood is commonly understood to be a stack of wood four feet high by eight feet long and as wide as the length of the individual firewood pieces. The size of the individual pieces is where it gets tricky, for example: If the average piece length is 16 inches, then the face cord is ⅓ of a full cord; if the average piece length is 12 inches, then the face cord is ¼ of a full cord.

and this is why we are so grape full you reply to this web site !!!!! We love you do what we do and say what we say....

Deleted member 10829

Lots of wood


That looks like quite a bit more wood than what we cut up for John! Don't over do it and hopefully that pile of wood will be buried in snow soon!


Well-known member

Cord of wood and a face cord of wood?

Do you or anyone on JD know the size of each?

In Sept. I bought 3 face cords of wood and the guy delivered it to my cabin for $185.00.

Is that a fair price? The wood was all split and he unloaded in a pile and it seems to burn real good.

Just wondering


Here, in central WI, $185 for a delivered cord of wood is fair. As long as it is hardwood, that's a fair price, if it is popple you paid way to much. A cord of wood here ranges in price from $165-$210 a cord, not delivered. Delivery is always different depending on who you buy from.

Lenny, that is a good price for pulp wood also. Around here it would run $80-$85 or so.



That looks like quite a bit more wood than what we cut up for John! Don't over do it and hopefully that pile of wood will be buried in snow soon!

that's just it, it can't stay there, to close to the road and no room for the bank to build up. I gotta cut it till it's gone. I also need to get it cut so it can cure cause I wanna burn it next season


Here, in central WI, $185 for a delivered cord of wood is fair. As long as it is hardwood, that's a fair price, if it is popple you paid way to much. A cord of wood here ranges in price from $165-$210 a cord, not delivered. Delivery is always different depending on who you buy from.

Lenny, that is a good price for pulp wood also. Around here it would run $80-$85 or so.

my wood is a combination yellow birch which is awesome firewood, ash and soft maple mixed with a small quantity of hard maple. Here is a handy chart of wood fuel btu's


New member
box elder...Junk??

My dad has 3 big alive box elders he wants gone. You think I could gather interest if I post it as free.. You cut ..You take?? In Southwest corner of WI. thanks