Daylight Savings; Opinion Poll


The Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act two years ago basically ending DST. It had unanimous bi-partisan votes. It went to the House and never got anywhere.


Well-known member
I like the way it is now. After one or two days I am adjusted to it. If it where to change I would want DST, it does me no good for the sun to come up at 4:15 in the morning in June or July. In December and January here the kids are going to school in the dark anyway.


Keep this time now all year. With all the LED lighting now, I don't think it really matters anymore anyways.
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Well-known member
I don't care what timeline it gets locked into, just settle on one & keep it there. As I stated before, mother nature dictates the length of sunshine, not the clock. FWIW, the kids got to experience sun to get to the bus stop for the last 3 weeks, now they're back out in the dark again, makes no sense to me.


Active member
It makes me laugh that we force millions of people to change their clocks twice a year for no clear reason. Perhaps there is some value in demonstrating that Americans can follow simple directions? I would be happy if this was the last time we had to change our clocks due to DST.