Deals to be had at Novi or Green Bay show?


Well-known member
May go to one of these shows this year. Most likely Novi. Are there any good deals to be had on clothes, belts, etc. at these shows? We'll probably go either way but just wondering what to expect. We went to Novi last year but I didn't have any money to spend...


New member
As long as you can recoup the 12 bucks to get in its worth it to go and look around. I save that on buying my oil for the year, so yeah its worth it to me. Besides I can spend 3-4 hours just walking around and checking stuff out and looking at all the machines.

Or, look at it as being about the same cost for 2 people to go there for a couple of hours as a movie make your decision based on that.

If only they had one of those misting machines you could walk through as your leaving so you could smell like 2 stroke oil when you are done...


Well-known member
Go to the Novi show. I've never been to it but the Green Bay show is pretty small compared to the Milwaukee one


New member
Can anyone please tell me when the Novi show is? Thank you and THINK SNOW <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> Also sorry for all you Wolverine fans GO BUCKEYES!!!!


New member
novi is nov. 6-8
but you might as well stay home thunderstruck with that filthy mouth of yours!!!!Lol... good stuff! i will be there.


I live in green bay and wasted my money there the last two years not much there the milwaukee show is huge compared to GB.It took about 15 min to walk around all the booths mostly resorts no sled manufactures.