Dear Johnny Rocket/Tucker Hibert wannabe:


New member
The snowstorm so many have predicted for northern Wisconsin unfortunately did not come. Instead a wide swath of 50 and 60 degree temps plagued the Northwoods on this leap day. Every trail is shot and most have been closed for the season. Feel free to Sta-Bil your gas, pull your batteries, fog your engines, and begin repairs on your sled inflicted when you ran those guys off the trail while riding on the wrong side or taking that corner too fast and ending up in the trees. That steady stream of trucks and trailers heading north is nothing more than guys and their wives going antiquing, anticipating the garage sales and flea markets being open with the predicted 70 degree temps this weekend. No need to thank me for this public service. The fact that you will be staying home will be thanks enough. Please do not try to contact me this weekend because I will be in Rhinelander rid.... er, I mean antiquing with my wife.

Cat Man Mike

P.S. Due to an unexplained chemical imbalance in the Wisconsin river, Castle Rock Lake will not fully thaw untill October so you can keep your boats off of that as well.


Thanks for the positive thoughts. Its great to see considering all of the negativity going on around here lately. Really lightens the mood.


i have also heard the up is out of gas, oil, food and lodging this year because of some church group having a month long sing a long


Nice to meet you johnny Rocket.. Joke is on you kiddo.. see you in the northwoods and on castle rock lake this summer.. I am going to bring my big speed boat out so i can make big waves an capsize your boat... PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT.



New member
I"ll let the chamber of commerce in Almena, Arland, Balsam Lake, Barron, Cameron, Frederic, Joel, McKinley, Miltown, Ricelake, Shell lake and Turtelake that theres no ridable snow and the trails are shoot. They don't need the money ?


New member
Wow, Some people have absolutely NO sense of humor at all! Basically what you are saying is that there is nothing but trail jerks in northern WI and if they don't show up to sled, nobody will. I suppose if they stay home you will be worried that the ER's will be empty and the nurses and doctors will suffer as well as all the repair shops not having to repair wrecked sleds and won't be able to rent sleds to those so their vacation is not a complete waste. I have to assume that, if you have an issue with the problem sledders staying home, then you must be one of them. The fact still remains, if you ride on the wrong side of the trail or take a turn like you are trying to beat Tucker back to the flag without knowing what or who is on the other side of that turn, you are dangerous and have no buisness being on the trail.

Stinkstar (Ha, that is funny. Your name means "but") Bring that big boat out on the rock this summer. 17,000 acres is plenty big for anything you may have. Heck, we may hit it off at the Turtle and I may buy you a beer! And don't worry, my boat is big enough to handle whatever waves yours may make. But, hit another boat, or the skier or tuber that boat may be pulling because you are being wreckelss and be prepared to have your boat confiscated, and sit in jail next to the others who have.


New member
Yup and let the local businesses suffer, cause not everyone is as great a rider as you are...

The Johnny Rockets Cat Man is referring to has nothing to do with being a bad rider, good rider, or great rider. It has to do with being a moron-PLAIN and SIMPLE!! Some people think they are great riders, and just don't have a clue. You know the ones I speak of.....they fly by you with blatant disregard, and find themselves in the pickers 5 miles down the trail. I love coming up to these fools, flipping up the modular so they get a good look at my ear to ear smile, drive by real slow and wave as they try to dig themselves out. It's especially rewarding if they are alone (that's only happened once). Everybody needs to ride within their abilities, and realize they're not the only ones on the trails. It just comes down to common sense-something way too many people lack these days.