December 18th Last Day For MI Restaurant Closings?


New member
Some well liked I believe sheriff from Detroit just died from covid so that will give her another reason to continue lockdowns.


Well-known member
I hope Wisconsin is able to hold out, especially for my kids. I have three who can't wait for drag races and radar runs, and one that is praying the US Wrestling tournament in the dells doesn't get canceled. She couldn't believe it when I agreed to enter her. I told her you've been punished enough. It might be the only real Wrestling tournament she gets to compete in all season.

If they follow the "science" there should be no reason not to have these activities, but as we all know we are only following certain aspects of the "science" that fits ones agenda. On the other side of it, if the morons at the top could ever agree to pass "liability protections" for businesses and events maybe places and organizations would hold events without the fear of being sued because someone got sick at their event, I really don't understand why this is a hard thing to pass. Ill bet the legal community is watching this closely and if it isn't passed we will be seeing " if you got sick at the fair or at work and your boss did not provide adequate call that's all" WorkHardPlayHrd Im with you and your kids, hope to see some this winter but besides vaccines if there are no liability protections I doubt we will see them although I hope I am wrong.


Well that really stinks, who are these people? Here in Illinois our governor shut down indoor dining and limits gatherings to 10 people like going to a funeral.

Guess what? Most of the restaurants are open and packed, at least in our area. Give us a break stay open , wear masks, keep your distance and move on.



Active member
She is just angry she hasn’t gotten a cabinet post yet and passed over for VP.
Tough luck, Whitmer. It looks like Granholm got that cabinet post.
"On December 17, 2020, president-elect Joe Biden nominated Granholm to be Secretary of Energy in the incoming Biden Administration."
I'm afraid I can't see Granholm's qualifications for that job!


Some well liked I believe sheriff from Detroit just died from covid so that will give her another reason to continue lockdowns.

There's your operative word/phrase..."from Detroit"...I ran some numbers because I was curious...Wayne county population density is 2599 people per sq mi...Alger county (central U.P.) is 1.9 people per sq mi...well of course it makes sense to have same restrictions on both to prevent spread, right?<sarcasm off>


Well-known member
Ok so now that we have liability protections you wonder if there will be a greater stand by bars and eateries against this bull poop!! I understand places could face fines and loss of liquor liscense but with out liquor sales that would be a serious loss of tax generation and at some point they would have to realize the damage is being done. I couldn't imagine being a bar or eatery in the north woods when the snow finally comes and having to literally watch your livelihood just pass by every day, as sickening as it id for me to even think about it, to live it would be devastating to say the least. Even with Wisconsin having limited capacity I cant imagine how frustrating as a business owner and a patron it would be as many ma and pa places are not that big, are you going to have crowds of people waiting outside to get in, what if you have a group of 10 or more??? This has to stop and soon!! and again maybe with the liability protections businesses will gather and stand.


Well-known member
I really hope all Americans are watching how our so called leaders are disrespecting us. Enough is enough is what I say. Most conservative people that I know have lost faith in the election process and our leaders. Stand up wherever you can to this blatant abuse of power, if we don't then this will be the world that we will be living in. Remember, You can't break a law if it's not a law.


Well-known member
euphoric1, I don't believe liability protection was included in this bill. They did include $10 million to Pakistan for gender studies. $40 million to the Kennedy Center again. Many millions to green energy. Tons of money thrown into this deal that has absolutely nothing to do with the virus. What a joke! See the link below.

I thought I heard they were, I stand corrected if they weren't, and I guess I don't understand why this is such a big issue to pass, I agree as well on the moneys it is nauseating to say the least, someone please explain to me how this helps our own people that have or will lose everything? WHAT A JOKE! is an understatement to say the least!

Deleted member 10829

The issue is Pelosi's side gets support from the lawyers so they can't take away their ability to sue.


but with out liquor sales that would be a serious loss of tax generation

Oh, it's OK. MI Gov is going to buy back liquor from the bars this winter like they did this spring. It will "save" those poor bars who are suffering from the pandemic and obviously not from any actions taken by the loving and caring Gov.

From today's press release:
"As part of the spirits buyback program announced earlier this year, The Michigan Liquor Control Commission bought back almost $3.4 million in spirits from 673 on-premises liquor licensees" and supposedly will spend "similar amounts" this winter.

If I understand it correctly, the State buys out the bar's booze inventory at cost. This is while they have forced the bars to close. So no tax revenue either way, but using tax revenue to buy the booze, so State loses; of course the bar lost as they had no profit on their inventory nor sold any other items nor were able to pay their employees.

Could be mistaken, but I would bet 673 places that serve booze would maybe cover 2-3 medium-sized cities. Sure seems like a drop in the bucket.


Well-known member
Oh, it's OK. MI Gov is going to buy back liquor from the bars this winter like they did this spring. It will "save" those poor bars who are suffering from the pandemic and obviously not from any actions taken by the loving and caring Gov.

From today's press release:
"As part of the spirits buyback program announced earlier this year, The Michigan Liquor Control Commission bought back almost $3.4 million in spirits from 673 on-premises liquor licensees" and supposedly will spend "similar amounts" this winter.

If I understand it correctly, the State buys out the bar's booze inventory at cost. This is while they have forced the bars to close. So no tax revenue either way, but using tax revenue to buy the booze, so State loses; of course the bar lost as they had no profit on their inventory nor sold any other items nor were able to pay their employees.

Could be mistaken, but I would bet 673 places that serve booze would maybe cover 2-3 medium-sized cities. Sure seems like a drop in the bucket.

So is Whitmer going to have a big New Years bash at her place on the lake...Open bar?? social distancing of course! Was not aware of this, how generous of her...NOT! and you are correct a lose..lose situation for both but more so for the bar/eatery owner, how generous of them ( the state of Michigan of course) NOT!!!! Can you say...Speakeasy?? hmmmm
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Well-known member
So is Whitmer going to have a big New Years bash at her place on the lake...Open bar?? social distancing of course! Was not aware of this, how generous of her...NOT! and you are correct a lose..lose situation for both but more so for the bar/eatery owner, how generous of them ( the state of Michigan of course) NOT!!!! Can you say...Speakeasy?? hmmmm

Had a speak easy open a couple weekends ago in my town. Last friday night there were over 50 cars parked outside. Saturday night same deal. The guy owns a bar in town and enough is enough. Never thought in my lifetime i would get to visit a speak easy.... Crazy.


Well-known member
I give these guys a ton of credit for standing up against this bs! These disrespectful lying politicians want sheep! Total lack of respect!