We have been over this before, but apparently you still don't understand that weather is cyclical, and those RECORD winters that you remember from the late 70s and 90s were NOT a benchmark for "normal" WI winters. And since we seem to be entering a period of low solar activity, it's likely that we will see some very good winters in the near future. Maybe not this winter (since we have a mild El Nino starting up), but there should be some good ones soon. Don't worry about those trace levels of CO2 that we have released; they are not radically altering our climate, as you have been mistakenly led to believe.
Perception and reality are VERY different when it comes to the memories of winter for most people. Read this for a better perspective: https://dnr.wi.gov/wnrmag/html/stories/1996/dec96/weather.htm
I'm not here to talk/debate climate, or weather. Not in what is normal, cycles, records of severe,or mild, or what ever. Can't change it. It is what it is. I studied both in school, and follow Elwin Taylor very closely as I farm. I simply stated what our over all experience has been in years past, as life in general, and snowmobiling over decades. Our family started snowmobiling in 1965. I have many friends, and family that live all over the states of Wis./Minn. Many of them had, or still do snowmobile. They all agree, the winter season is not as it used to be. I don't care if you agree or not, I'm not here to argue that.
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