Distance and Time: Land O'Lakes to Houghton


New member
Looking to find out what everyone has for an average travel time and distance from Land O'Lakes WI to Houghton on trail 3? Not riding at blazing speeds, just average riding speeds a little faster than cruising, maybe 2 stops for fuel.


Well-known member
4 hours MAX cruising 60mph fueling in Greenland then 45 grade miles from Houghton at Pat's. I have done it many times RT from Phelps to Hancock so from Lando is -60 miles RT. I would take 107N then 8W back to 3N more miles but faster cruising miles & 60mph would be sleep walking for me but my 4s Attak set up for higher speeds & understand others have handling problems darting & what not that slow them way down. What sleds are you riding? Old trailing arm sleds whole different ball game could be all day ride.


New member
Well, the deal is we are in Three Lakes and have some older sleds that belong to my uncle. I am bringing some of my fellow fire fighters along for a long ride and don't want to put the miles on his sleds so we are renting 3 MXZ 600's from Land O' Rec Co for the ride for them. I ride an '06 Yamaha Apex RTX and will trailer that to Land O'.

I am trying to figure out whether to ride over to lake of the clouds and around there for a bit then ride back to Three Lakes then back to Land O' in the morning to turn them back in or to take them up to Houghton and maybe to Copper Harbor for the day and stay in Houghton over night, then ride back to Land O' in the morning for turn in.


New member
WOW? How much seat time do these guys have? Land O' through Houghton up to Copper and back down to Houghton would be enough to kill me. Then Houghton down to Land O in the morning would be a real B..ch after that many miles the day before. Maybe pick something with a little less miles and more smiles with seeing some sites? I am guessing if they don't have there own sleds they are not die hard riders and might enjoy less fast seat time and a couple more stops to take it all in.


Well-known member
It will be a long day from 3 lakes back & forth but up to you. My 3 lakes buds have done Hancock RT many times too meeting at my house in Phelps 1st but there are many FR connections that cut down some miles from 3 lakes so they have options. If you are starting from 3 lakes everyday sticking to all marked trails you will be be burned out in 2 days.


Well-known member
3 weeks ago I went from Lando to Houghton and back in 7.25 hours, Left the BP station at 7:15 came back at 2:30 made 4 gas stops and a 45 min. lunch break at the mosquito and also did 30 minutes of offtrailing. Weekend of Feb 4th I plan to ride from Paulding to Copper harbor and back in a day...
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New member
@ radsrh we are just renting sleds to make breakdowns less likely and if they do happen, it's not on a sled that I am going to pay everything to fix, has nothing to do with the experience of the rider.

Just trying to figure out realistic logistics of a ride with rentals so we are not going past the rental site by 1.5 hours and then have to ride or drive them back that same distance in the morning.

None of these guys have ever been in the UP that far north (Houghton/Copper Harbor). Thanks for all the replies.
To each their own

4 hours MAX cruising 60mph fueling in Greenland then 45 grade miles from Houghton at Pat's. I have done it many times RT from Phelps to Hancock so from Lando is -60 miles RT. I would take 107N then 8W back to 3N more miles but faster cruising miles & 60mph would be sleep walking for me but my 4s Attak set up for higher speeds & understand others have handling problems darting & what not that slow them way down. What sleds are you riding? Old trailing arm sleds whole different ball game could be all day ride.

WOW! Could you be anymore full of yourself, whitedust?

We make this trip all the time and "HAVE DONE IT ON OLD TRAILING ARM SLEDS" (lets remember that was only 7 or 8 years ago depending on brand) in one day. All these opinions are too subjective as we don't really know everyone elses riding capabilities, age, sleds being rode or thresh hold for cold, snow or weariness. I would say start out at LOL Rec and make your way North, these are A+ trails that you will be able to ride easily and enjoy. Make stops (there are plenty) when you feel like it and go at the "groups" pace. If you make to houghton, great! You might make it to Copper Harbor you never know. Just take your time and you'll have a great experience.. Oh and remember those 600 MXZ's you have reserved at LOL rec are 600 ACE models that top out at maybe 65mph trail speed, just FYI.

@radsrh....IMHO it's an easy day trip to Houghton and back and then turn around and go to Porkies and back the next day. We routinely do 200miles+ days back to back. But like I said in the paragraph above, that's why it's so hard to tell someone what's right for them. For us it works. For radshr, it wouldn't. And apparently whitedust does 200 miles on his super fast yammi 4s snow rocket and is looking for more mileage.....GEEEESH.



New member
Awesome thread, I was maybe looking to do a Manitowish Waters to Houghton run in about a month and finally get some miles on my sled for this year. Good to see it is a doable ride in a day.


New member
Thanks for the replies, I just ask that everyone take a deep breath and don't beat down others posts. I WAS looking for different opinions and travel times. Just read someone else's post and if your's is different, just post it for the way you ride. Thanks.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies, I just ask that everyone take a deep breath and don't beat down others posts. I WAS looking for different opinions and travel times. Just read someone else's post and if your's is different, just post it for the way you ride. Thanks.

No kidding what's up with caged beagle his way or the highway?? As I said different sleds different riders all have a sustainable pace that is correct for them. Indy said 71/2hours on tricked out trailing arm 99% standup for him I said 8 max on Attak 99% sit down simular to your RTX sled. The MXZs will not have problem with 8hr pace ACE or 600s.Only you know what is best for your group but very doable.:)


New member
Boy oh boy, I'm going to ask and I don't care what anyone thinks.

How old or what age brackets are these guy's in and what is their riding experience? I'm 50ish and ride all the time and I wouldn't think of taking any of my buddies who don't ride regularly on a trip like this. Since your picking up rentals in Land O Lakes depending on the day of the week I would hit Sunrise Lodge for breakfast then do the Porkies and back.

But again I'm an old fart who enjoys riding easy (50mph) and enjoying the outdoors.

No kidding what's up with caged beagle his way or the highway?? As I said different sleds different riders all have a sustainable pace that is correct for them --->Agreed, I think I said that in a round about way. Indy said 71/2hours on tricked out trailing arm 99% standup for him I said 8 max on Attak 99% sit down simular to your RTX sled. The MXZs will not have problem with 8hr pace ACE or 600s.Only you know what is best for your group but very doable.:)

Boy oh boy, I'm going to ask and I don't care what anyone thinks.

How old or what age brackets are these guy's in and what is their riding experience? --->Again...I think I brought this up too and agree I'm 50ish and ride all the time and I wouldn't think of taking any of my buddies who don't ride regularly on a trip like this. Since your picking up rentals in Land O Lakes depending on the day of the week I would hit Sunrise Lodge for breakfast then do the Porkies and back.

But again I'm an old fart who enjoys riding easy (50mph) and enjoying the outdoors.


I think if you re-read my post you'll realize I was saying the exact same thing. It all depends on the factors I stated......as did whitedust and wags. Everyone is going to have a different answer and suited to their riding style, age, age of sled yada yada yada. Not my way or the hiway just stated my opinions that the OP asked for.

As far as beating down other members I guess my rhetoric towards WD was maybe uncalled for. It's just post after post we all have to hear about how fast he rides, how well he rides and how well his yammi 4s performs. It gets old. Sorry!

And as far as the ACE 600, my brother (experienced rider) rented one of those two years ago for our annual trip and he had a tough time keeping up to the rest of the pack (Summit 800, Dragon 600, (2) 500SS's). So again was just stating our experience. The OP might be fine considering three out of the four sleds will be the rented ACE model and sounds like maybe his buddies are novices. Again...just my .02¢

WD is right saying this trip is very dooable..... if you and your guys are ready for it. And being Firemen I suspect you all will do fine when it comes to the physical part of it.



New member
I agree with the first 2 sentences but the 3rd well let's just say I hope their young Firemen, and I can say that as I come from a family of Chicago FireFrighters.


Well-known member
Taking the grade really quickens the ride right up. I got an 05 xc sp 500, there was only 2 of us and we're teenagers. Yes, my hand was glued to the bar most of the time. Everytime you'd come to a stop sign, my ears would start ringing because i was used to hearing my motor spin at about 8000 rpms most of the trip. Keeping it to strictly trail riding, 2 or 3 gas stops, and no food break it is doable in 6 hours... Maybe less. Anybody done Paulding to Copper Harbor? Anybody know the miles?


You could always load the rentals on the trailer and unload in Mass. Less then one hour by car and gives you enough time up there.


New member
Thanks for all the thoughts. We are all between 32 and 38 YO Indianapolis Firefighters with between 10 and 25 years experience riding apiece. Not quite novices, just wanting to rent so they aren't riding someone else's sleds that distance. They just aren't in a position to own their own with other priorities in life.

I decided on taking them over to Lake of the Clouds. We will trailer my Apex and my wife's 700 MXZ to Land O'Lakes and pick up the rentals then ride out from there. We will ride back to LOL and load back up on the trailer and drive back to Three Lakes then just trailer them back in the morning. Just decided on this so we aren't spending more $ on a hotel.


New member
i.m.o. the grade pretty much socks after 10 am. but the loops are great. the farther from trail three the better the trails.i have stayed in houghton and rode the entire keweenaw in a day then did some nice loops south of town the next.get some maps and plan a route and only use trail three sparingly.at least thats what i do. trail three will change a rookies mind real quick in the afternoon.


New member
Well crap, I guess I should have mentioned that we a riding on a Tuesday! Kid of an important piece of info! Been riding way to many years to ride on a weekend if I can help it.