do you let her warm up in the morning before taking off

... At lunch when I came out to my car I was shocked to see what looked like pee in my center console and my wallet was laying in it. Woah! What in the....

It took me a few minutes to piece together what I had done.

Thanks for the laugh, sounds like something I would do.

As for warm-ups, in this weather (below zero) I fire up the truck before jumping in the shower each morning. Then once dressed and out the door I can drive without shivering or freezing my hair.

When above 0 I'll let it warm up a minute before going. Unless it's around 30 when there's heavy frost then it's back to the long warm-up.

In the afternoon, I fire up the truck and wait for a minute to click off the digital clock before taking off.

I don't let the gas consumption eat at me since every day is 60 miles and I fill 'er up once per week summer or winter.


New member
Warm up??? Warm up for what? Get in and go to work. Why waste gas. My neighbor does this and drives me nuts. I can drive to work in the time his little fufu car warms up. It must be 100+ in his heap when he leaves. My work truck has 240,000 mile on it. I never warm it up more than turn it on, adjust the radio and go. Of course it is a chevy truck. I do have a Dodge truck (used loosely) and that my friends should belong to my neighbor also.

What's wrong with warming up a car in the morning and why would it drive you nuts? I hit the remote start button just before I get in the shower in the morning and by the time I'm out the door, it's "comfortable" to drive. Apparently, my neighbors must hate me.

I don't care what ANYBODY says....Throwing a vehicle into gear right after you start it, IS BAD FOR IT!!!!! At best, like classic_rider said, Your oil pressure needs to be in the green!



Active member
Its different day to day. If I,m running late I still wait for the stickey lifters to stop rattling (they did that since 20,000 miles but didnt want my engine torn apart. been a good move since I now have 280,000) and then go. If I have time I let the windows defrost and the seats warm up first. I hate it when my windows are fogged/icey and my vision is compromised.


New member
Company car with company gas and remote start, Let's just say the windows are cleared and the inside and seats are warm. In the summer, nice and cool inside.

My Expedition, good 15 minutes or more cause it sits for weeks or months at a time. If below 10 degrees, gets plugged in when on trips.

Wife's Hemi, 5 to 10 minutes.


New member
there is no need to let a car warm up more than 30-45 seconds after starting. If you let it run more than that, the "splasher" doesn't move oil up to the cylinders with enough force, and causes excessive wear. A car should be "revving" within a minute.

...however, that doesn't mean revving up excessively. Enough to run down the road gently and let the oil totally warm...but enough to let that oil splash around a bit..


Well-known member
I let my pickup warm up until the power steering pump quits whining but that can be a minute or two when the temp is 30 below or colder, and when I first leave the house the tires are not round for about 10 or 12 blocks.


New member
she takes off for work before me and I like to sleep in so not allot of morning warm up time

What you did there...I see it.:)

? why does it have to be a her I like starting him up lol my car is a guy car and yes I am a female !!!

In the great words of Rodney Dangerfield:
Why do they always refer to cars as she?They always say "she's a beauty" instead of "he's a beauty" You know why? Because with a woman and a car, on a really cold morning when you really need it, it won't turn over.


Well-known member
And here all this time I was thinking it was because they say "if it has t*ts or tires it'll give you trouble."

Disclaimer: This writer does not necessarily share that opinion!