... At lunch when I came out to my car I was shocked to see what looked like pee in my center console and my wallet was laying in it. Woah! What in the....
It took me a few minutes to piece together what I had done.
Thanks for the laugh, sounds like something I would do.
As for warm-ups, in this weather (below zero) I fire up the truck before jumping in the shower each morning. Then once dressed and out the door I can drive without shivering or freezing my hair.
When above 0 I'll let it warm up a minute before going. Unless it's around 30 when there's heavy frost then it's back to the long warm-up.
In the afternoon, I fire up the truck and wait for a minute to click off the digital clock before taking off.
I don't let the gas consumption eat at me since every day is 60 miles and I fill 'er up once per week summer or winter.