Do you like or dislike the body styles of new sleds?


New member
to me its just the evoloution and I love the new stuff. do you guys like the new ford/chevy/dodge trucks or the style of those in the late 90's? To me, i love to see how things evolve over time and usually love the new looks, that being said, the nytro looks cool to me but so many other drawbacks like weight, wind protection, and i'm still not convinced yami can build a decent chassis. rush looks good to and might be my next machine. the xp's are next in line for coolness, followed by cat's sno pro 500. I actually like them all and just when I think how can they make these any better, I'm sure they will and I'll love what comes out then. to be honest it took me a long time to get to like the iq but I now like the look of that sled too.


New member
Do you want to look like Eric Estrada on chips? I stuck with the mid shield. I will draft a sled with a bigger windshield on our long trips.


New member
I must admit, when I saw what Skidoo was doing in 03, I thought they were nuts. Then it grew on me. Now I own a 2010 Skidoo and we're very happy with it. I must say they are not "home-garage mechanic" friendly though. Seems all makers are headed that way. Maybe it's their "aerodynamics" plan for the future.....anything to get a couple extra mpg's.. Now, the Yamaha Nytro...that ugly thing is another story!!! Sorry to you Nytro riders. LOL...


Tall windshields are for old men! Look good ...feel good. Lol! They all look cool now days. I always loved the look of the old mid 90's xlt special but I'm not gonna ride it after being spoiled by the new cush rides. The Rush looks awesome and I really like the Skidoo TNT. Arctic Cat's mountain sleds look bad a**. Not a huge fan of Yamaha's looks but I don't dislike em either.