Drive Carefully / Drive Defensively / Be Safe Out There


New member
Not to somber anyone's day out there,...

There was ANOTHER traffic fatality this afternoon in Marinette County, WI.
from my understanding,... a 76yr old woman and her dog came from the
frontage road that runs along HWY 41 between Peshtigo and Marinette,...
and at one of those crossing points she crossed to head North,...
and a Ambulance (lights off) Heading South (coming from Escanaba)on
41 T-boned the vehicle.
Wife said the ambulance actually ended up on the railroad tracks that
are located on the complete opposite side of the 4-lane right of way!
(YIKES!) that is quite a distance.

In the last couple of years the growth between Marinette and Peshtigo
has expanded to the point of,... you can hardly tell where one starts and
the other stops,.. very busy area and lots of accidents. The woman
probably didn't even see the ambulance.
Traffic was re-routed North bound almost ALL day.

With a younger member of the family out there driving,... it makes ya
jump up and wonder,.. Oh my gosh,.. where is so and so,... Hope they
are not in that area,..ect.,..

Just have to watch out for those who are NOT watching for US!!!
Sad, Sad, Sad reminder.

Prayers go out to those involved.

Thanks for letting me share


Super Moderator
Staff member
I don't mean this to sound harsh but it probably will. I trust no one on the road Like most of us, my daily commute includes ladies checking their make up in the mirror, every other driver is on the phone, saw one guy eating pizza the other day as he had the box sitting on his lap. I've got the Millennials passing me doing 85 or 90 and up ahead Grampa is rolling at 55 in a 65 with his hands at 10 & 2. And is it just me but is Friday afternoon the worst? We hate to see people hurt like the story above that means someone is missing their grandma tonight and that's too bad. OK, I'm done venting, on with the show.


Not to somber anyone's day out there,...

There was ANOTHER traffic fatality this afternoon in Marinette County, WI.
from my understanding,... a 76yr old woman and her dog came from the
frontage road that runs along HWY 41 between Peshtigo and Marinette,...
and at one of those crossing points.

Access rd. #3 I'm guessing that's the one by Cozzy's.

When I came upon the one a few years ago by the Shell station where the family of 5 were killed I thought maybe a sled was involved. Right where the trail crosses.

I don't mean this to sound harsh but it probably will. I trust no one on the road Like most of us, my daily commute includes ladies checking their make up in the mirror

Probably what Bruce Jenner was doing.


New member
We have a digital bill board I pass pretty much everyday that posts traffic conditions and traffic deaths so far this year in Michigan. Saturday it was 69, today it said 80. We are only a month and a half into the year!. Why?

Deleted member 10829

A lady dies, and you make a joke out of it? Just plain wrong.

Take a look at all of his posts. He contributes nothing to this site. He's a guy you'd like to meet sometime just to see what kind of person posts these things.


We have a digital bill board I pass pretty much everyday that posts traffic conditions and traffic deaths so far this year in Michigan. Saturday it was 69, today it said 80. We are only a month and a half into the year!. Why?

The state of michigan has about 80 deaths per month on average. So being at 80 for month and a half is much better than average.
Sad but true...


It is too easy to get a driver's license here in the states. I have a friend that has an international driver's license because he goes to Germany a lot to visit his son. He said there is a lot more instruction and actual behind the wheel training involved. Texting or any form of distracted driving is simply not tolerated. The sad fact is that most folks CANNOT do more than one thing at once. And if you get caught drinking and driving you are just done driving. Not to imply any of these things were going on as I have no knowledge of the circumstances but just a thought. Just a really bad deal when accidents like this happen. Most accidents are preventable. Always drive defensively and train your kids to do the same. Always expect the folks out on the roads or trails to do something stupid. More often than not you won't be dissapointed. Sad but true.

Pizza Man

New member
I'm sorry to hear about the lady.
We take that road when we go to Munising. The new road is alot better and faster then when we used to have to go on the old road through all the towns.
We were on there 2 weeks ago. Sure is a race track and surprised that we didn't see any radar up or back.