driving long hours


Well-known member
How much time do you lose by pulling over to the side of the road? 2 minutes? Now if you have to pull into a station, that's at least 10-15 down the drain, but I can't imagine anyone would miss 2 minutes.


New member
Talk about previous trips and re connect. The radio Never gets turned on. Yhea beverages are being shared. Lots of laughs and frequent stops to piss.


New member
As a usual lone person driving for up to 7 hours, I get to watch all the people drive by, and laugh at the ones who get all pissy cause I'm not gonna drive like a maniac pulling a trailer. If I'm lucky get a half time pit stop at my dads on the way.


Music or bs I just drive I always get the driving duty even of we take someone else's truck

I I guess that's the reward younger for driving all day for a living more driving on weekends


Well-known member
listening to music, checking out trail maps, and praying that everything comes back lookin just like as it did when it went up.


Well-known member
These days it's the only time I really have to catch up with the guys I ride with, since we all have young kids, so it's a lot of bs'n going on.


New member
listening to music, checking out trail maps, and praying that everything comes back lookin just like as it did when it went up.

I started doing that, saying a prayer with my son for safe trip. Alot depends on who is in the car, if all the kids are present we do tunes, the alaphabet game, ( always cheat on X & sometimes Z ) finally everyone gets tired of each other and clams up. Now my kids just text away.... constantly.


i commute 2 hrs per day, i listen to a ton of podcasts on my phone. i try to learn and sharpen my brain and my faith.