Drove up to herman to see how much snow


New member
i drove up there looks pretty deep i walked of the road alittle bit it was up to my knees i'm loading up tomorrow morning and taking a ride. anybody want to go a hate iding alone. lol


New member
not a dead end road they quit plowing it aways back then its untouched road no tracks few old logging roads something to screw around with for a few hours and be adventurous.


New member
I need to say one more thing I have PERMISSION to park up there at someones cabin the road to there isn't wide enough for big inclosed trailers.The deeper stuff "meaning enough to screw around with" is not right in herman.I'm nobody to tell people they can't go up there but it's just not the place for a ton of people.


New member
That's almost 3 hours away from my cabin up there. I probably wouldn't even try it. I wonder why there isn't a trail system in that area and it's through l'anse?

I'm glad I didn't build in skanee.


New member
yes there's a trail system that goes through l'anse it just don't go though herman I do know how to get to the trails from herman though there a path up there that goes right to the trail system.But it's a pretty good hike but a nice ride.