Duck tape


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A young boy was walking down the road with a roll of duck tape.

An old man sitting on his porch yelled at the kid, “ Boy, where you going with that duck tape?” The boy said, “I’m going to get me some ducks, Sir!”
The old man shook his head and said, “fool, that won’t work!”
A while later, the boy goes walking by with some ducks.

The next day, the young boy goes by carrying a roll of chicken wire. The old man says, boy, where you going with that chicken wire?”
The boy says, I’m going to get me some chickens Sir!”
The old man shakes his head and says, “that aint gonna work dummy!”
A while later the boy goes by with some chickens.
The old man says, “well I’ll by damned!

The next day, the boy goes walking by carrying a bunch of pussy willows. The old man yells, hold on boy, Im going with you!