Just saw that on my morning info-feed. Whatever county Duluth is in the union voted to reject latest offer. So if the big storm comes this weekend it might get interesting.
I’m amazed that they would (meaning the county) would have ever set up a contact that would affect snowplow drivers to expire in the winter months gives all the power to the union and takes it away from the county. Good for the union not good for the tax payers.
The timing is absolutely intentional. They're arguing about sick leave days payed out after retirement.
The labor contact expired 12/31/19
Correct, they are negotiating 2020 thru 2022 contract. The BA for the Union boasted on the TV he hopes they get a ton of snow. The "unfairness" the union is claiming is simply misinformation. If you read the contract the members are being compensated fairly and in the unions words "generously" by the county. The safety of the taxpayers in St Louis county is being leveraged in order to secure additional sick leave payout upon retirement. 350 hours to be exact, from the current 1,150 to 1,500 to employees hired after 2013. Employees hired before then are allowed 1900 hours to be paid out upon retirement. Those hours get paid into a health savings account.
We are allowed to carry 40 hours of well time in to the next year, that's it. You don't use it, you lose it.
Just curious who represents the taxpayers in a strike like this?