

Active member
I had just come back from the restroom and was trying to fall asleep when I heard what I thought was heavy snow against the windows untill I got up at 6:00 and saw the news. Glendale Heights ILL, at least 25 miles east of their.


New member
I live in a townhome in Bartlett. The night before there was a lot of door slaming downstairs (neighbors argueing). I woke to the sound of the earthquake, but thought wow they are still fighting. Turned on the news & heard about the earthquake.


My kids woke up from the quake. Im in hampshire few miles west of the "epicenter". They pegged the center in the farm field behind the outpost bar in Pingree Grove. I was out riding that night before the snow blew away so needless to say I slept through the shaker. They were saying on the local news last night that it was along a fault line they did not know was there. Interesting.


New member
That's called an "anomaly" and seismologists are constantly confronted with them (or they always guess wrong...another way to put it).

This is similar looking at new sleds and your wife says..."hey, why don't you buy one of those..." or, "hey...where is my sled?"

Dem days are far and few between.

Weather guys deal with these every


New member
At first I thought it was just an after effect of downing 5 chili rellenos at Dos Reales but then I realized it was an earthquake. I was running for the crapper just in case.