Easy Clutch Cleaning!


Well-known member
I do that
I also put jugs in the dishwasher been doing it for 15yrs that way lol
did it for yrs in the kit washer but finally took a old one from a job and hooked it up in the basement next to wash tub now I wash all kinds of parts in it.
even did some experimenting with pressure washer degreaser concentrate .


I know a Skidoo Dealer that does it that way. I have not ask my Wife yet if I can use hers. I usually pull the Clutch every year and blow it out and use some starting Fluid to clean it. Seems to work ok.


Well-known member
To me washing & blowing clutch out is PITA. I really liked this idea only way to do it no matter what the wife says.:)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Cool, when my buddy's 02 700 RMK went down a few years back while riding with John, we tore the engine down to its case, then put it in John's dishwasher! LOL, it was his idea! Worked awesome!!


New member
I've done this before on cylinders and case halves but never the clutch. Do you really put it in fully assembled?? I can see pulling it apart and putting the stationary components through a wash but I would think putting the whole clutch through would make it hard to get all the water out.


Well-known member
I usually pull apart sort of. I don't pull the spider but cover/ springs/helix/wind open and wash.
not every time I mess with clutch but every yr or 2 or if washing some other parts during a rebuild or something