I put one in a 98 and it was not to difficult. If you have the proper tools and a little ability, but sinceyou live so close to the guy on craiglist, I would go that route. If you want to do it yourself, just measure from the driveshaft to the bolt in the front of the suspension in an edge chasis and that is the most important measurement you will need. It has been 3 years but if I remember it was 9 and 3 quarters inch. It will require you to move the supporting brackets riveted on the tunnel. Drill them out, move them forward and rivet them back on. We used an air hammer, steel backing block, and quater inch aluminum rivets for semi trailers. It was overkill but it is what we had laying around. Took about 3 hours start to finish. He has had no problems with it and loves the upgrade. Have fun!!