Effects of Global Warming Happening Now In USA?


Active member
Funny in all of that story they talk about how the west Antarctic sheet is melting, but no where do they talk about how the east side is gaining mass. Same thing with Greenland. All the talk is about how the edges are melting, but nothing about how the interior is gaining mass.

It is what I am trying to say, science is being hijacked.


See, that's why I look to JohnDee.com for all my weather needs :)

I just thought it was interesting that they said it could be 1,000 years before some of that could happen, or that over the last 20,000 years things have gone both directions relating to sea levels. I had no idea that other areas were gaining mass right now.


Well-known member
Difficult to know what impact all this off the wall weather reporting has on the public? For me I just shrug it off & notice we had a record cold & snow winter season & neither the USA west coast or east coast slid off into the sea. lol 10 degree F increase in 100 years seems outragous to me.


Funny in all of that story they talk about how the west Antarctic sheet is melting, but no where do they talk about how the east side is gaining mass. Same thing with Greenland. All the talk is about how the edges are melting, but nothing about how the interior is gaining mass.

It is what I am trying to say, science is being hijacked.


you don't say! Is it funny how we don't hear about that or is it just convenient not to report that part,,,,because it may raise conflict. I think the funny part is that the enviro whacks expect us to believe unreasonable jargon. I mean really, we all have a little common sense and a scientific mind to interpret as anyone else does but if you think outside the precious little walls of political motives we are seen as clowns.

Bottom line is we are seeing climate fluctuations, cycles or whatever we have observed but we cannot say man is responsible and the regulations imposed on man does not fit the evidence. Am I saying we just be like China and pollute, no but we need a reasonable approach and that we do not have and probably never will because the enviro liberals are a huge monumental machine that just keeps rolling down the crapper.