Electric Shield or Open Face Helmet


New member
I have one of each including a modular. I have ot say I like the modular the best out of all three. I guess there are upsides to everyone of them. For example an open face gives you a better field of vision than both of the others, the heated shield guarantees you no fog, but you have that cord hanging all the time and the modular has a snap on breath box that you have to change filters on. I guess it is personal preference.


Have electric on old helmet and is definitly nice when you can see and dont have to stop to clear off. New helmet have had no issues with yet so havent changed over.


New member
How about windshield wipers? That sounds like the best option right now ;)

Sad but true. This weather is down right depressing. I'm in MN and the weather people are saying a cold front is coming at the end of the week. But then you look at the temps on Sat/Sun and we are back to 31, just give us 20's so we can at least start to get things froze again!