This is a great subject. But its not simple. Your clutches are due for service and even replacing with stock parts there will be a noticable improvement. Indy is right about price difference, and higher quality. EPI and Hot Seat make great kits and seperate parts. If your not replacing springs yearly go with titainium springs as they do not sag. [5yr warr]? The first thing I do is decide what I want the sled to do, and how I ride, trail or backcountry or both? Then I call both places and talk to the Techs. I ask how I can achieve my goals? Get the spring specs and go from there. They will mix and and match to build you a custom kit. And give you the kit price. Or find a local polaris mech that is a known clutch tuner, ask him what works best. I never liked the stock [aftermarket] kits engagement, way to high for me. Thats why building your own is the way to go. Also if you put a EPI or H.S. helix next to your old stock poo part its like night and day diff. in quality. The arms need to be replaced also, remember to balance the new ones
on a digital scale. Consider balancing primary and 2ndry after the rebuild also. Alignment is also very critical. I got lucky at Hay Days one year and bought a box of 800 edge aftermarket clutch parts for 50 bucks. Mostly new or used 1x stuff, found a EPI 3 step helix in the box that was awesome. If you really want to learn the dynamics of clutch tuning buy Earlandson's book on Tuning its a good read. Man I used to live for this stuff, kinda like Indy does now. LOL Good Luck, at least time is on your side.