Epic 25 million thirsty in U.S.


New member
>>I don't think we could distribute water on this scale..<<

Yes we could. Billions of gallons go under the blue water bridge daily...ultimately into the ocean. With the right controls we could be piping this out there and selling it at say....$1 per gallon....profits to go toward the great lakes border states.

No income taxes...no sales tax.....no property taxes....money for roads....bonus check to every resident every year as they do in Alaska. Think businesses would flock to Michigan and other states/provinces with that going on??

Got to think outside the box here....stick it to those who have stuck it to you already. It's the American way. :)


Staff member
>>I don't think we could distribute water on this scale..<<

Yes we could. Billions of gallons go under the blue water bridge daily...ultimately into the ocean. With the right controls we could be piping this out there and selling it at say....$1 per gallon....profits to go toward the great lakes border states.

No income taxes...no sales tax.....no property taxes....money for roads....bonus check to every resident every year as they do in Alaska. Think businesses would flock to Michigan and other states/provinces with that going on??

Got to think outside the box here....stick it to those who have stuck it to you already. It's the American way. :)

I got an even better idea. Pipe it right from the St. Mary's and don't even bother with it getting to the Blue Water Bridge! Let all that revenue go to us in the Yoop! But give me some advance notice, so I can buy my 3000 acres first and live smack in the middle of it to keep things quiet like they are!



Well-known member
my sister lives in new mexico and brought this up a few years ago and i told her the same thing i would tell them, you chose to live in a desert for the warm sunny weather, deal with it.
Deserts are warm and dry for a reason and have been for a long time
just my .02$


New member
Need to quit using ground water to make ethanol also...City of Milton, WI pumps millions and millions of gallons out to the plant and then its gone.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Also, maybe they need quit watering the golf courses down there. Idiots. LMAO!


Well-known member
I got an even better idea. Pipe it right from the St. Mary's and don't even bother with it getting to the Blue Water Bridge! Let all that revenue go to us in the Yoop! But give me some advance notice, so I can buy my 3000 acres first and live smack in the middle of it to keep things quiet like they are!


It's not just you yoopers that are on Lake Superior. Just share it with us in Minnesota and we'll help keep it a secret!


New member
they're getting some rain thru the w/e but will only bring them to 30% for 12 mo.

***this will go like a house of cards once it's started..40 million exodus?

A half millennium ago, the Anasazi people lived in marvelous cliff dwellings scattered throughout the American Southwest. No doubt the Anasazi expected their thriving culture to go on forever. The gods they prayed to lived in the sacred mountains and in the stars of the night sky and, like all humans, they prayed to those gods for bountiful harvests and safety in storms. But all their prayers could not protect them. Something made the ancient ones abandon their settlements – most likely a 300-year drought that began in the 12th century -- and the Anasazi vanished.



New member
didn't the great lake state (maybe Canada too), pass something or agree to not sell water or pipe it to other areas?


Yep but, as you can see...agreements can be amended. Agreement was for the WISE use of the water. Wise use could mean, buck a gallon to those states out west that needs it. Once the pipeline is built, the cost to ship it becomes almost insignificant.

But it sure would produce reviews....for all the border states and provinces. We midwesterners have the greatest resource in the country, and it will over shadow oil if much of the west continues to dry out. So we either sell it to them, or we have it taken away under executive order under eminent domain processes. Besides, we better suck it and pipe it before we pollute the heck out of it. Michigan could be the epicenter for wealth because water is in the final analysis, necessary to sustain life.

And before you go bashing the heck out of those who moved to suck up the sunshine....remember without their needs of water all of this wouldn't be possible.


New member
BTW, if you divide 300 billion up to all the border states, that would leave about 40 billion per state/province ANNUALLY.

And if that happens, John.....you won't be able to afford the taxes on that acreage....folks will be swarming to this state and buying bush country like crazy.

To me....it's a no brainer.

Also Chi-town diverts a bunch of water into the mississippi. We got to stop that one....too valuable to do that.


Well-known member
Somewhere recently I just saw a satellite picture of the snow pack in the Sierra's. It compared this years to the same date last year and it's an amazing difference. Pretty depressing if you lived out there.