Exhaust Valve Question


New member
Hey every body,

I have a 2010 Polaris IQ Tour with the 600 Clean Fire engine, 830 miles on the sled.
After riding around a bit I did a little inspection and noticed that one of the exhaust valves is emitting some rusty "powder" out of the little vent hole in the middle of the plastic cone. Is this bad? It's not wet or oily in any way just like a dry power rust. Do you think that this dry rusty powder could have an effect on the valve operation?

Also, anybody know exactly when the exhaust valves open? Is it governed by RPM or throttle position? :confuses:

Any thoughts would be very welcome. Thanks a bunch!
I had a 2007 IQ 600 that did that not too long after it was brand new....didn't seem to harm anything. I think it's just initial corrosion of the spring in the power valve getting out. In my opinion, nothing to worry about.


Active member
Snow on the hood melts and the water runs into a hole directly above that valve. Over time I would think the spring would rust. Put some clear silicone in the hole, or tape from the inside.


New member
Snow on the hood melts and the water runs into a hole directly above that valve. Over time I would think the spring would rust. Put some clear silicone in the hole, or tape from the inside.

bad idea the cone nut on teh end of the valve pushes into the hole at full throttle. holes need to be open like everyone else said its just powder rust from spring nothing to worry about


New member
Dont plug the hole. The power valve wont work right if the hole is plugged. The bellows inside the housing moves up and down so there has to be a breather hole to let the air come and go. All my power valve polaris engines show that rust also, its normal.


Active member
I meant plug the hole in the hood, not the valve. Sorry for the confusion, I wouldnt plug the hole in the valve either.