Fall Colors!


Well-known member
Can anybody tell me what the fall foliage is like in the UP? Was thinking about the 10th-11th or 11th-12th for peak. Is that too late or not?
With the warmer weather this year, it seems a little later this year for colors.


I live a bit outside of LL and was in Copper Harbor yesterda. Colors are changing and I’d say we are a week or 10 days out from peak but ya never know. My place has more green than color now


Well-known member
Slowest turn of color that I can remember. Exceptionally warm through Sept, no night time cold & no frost yet. Considering how dry we have been here, it is amazing to see how much green has hung on. Considering the current weather trends, I am thinking peak here in the Keweenaw is probably going to be Mid-October. This weather pattern has been strange for the past year plus, it will be interesting to see what is yet to come.