Farm and Ranch oil


New member
S and S, you are now the red headed step child. Farm and Ranch runs $56 a five gallon jug, run it in you sled, car and diesel tractor!!!! Whoo Hoo! Rumour has it you can deep fry a turkey with it! Miracle oil. No coupons or rebate forms to fill out. Sold at the finer tractor and ranch stores. really!


New member
Whats the matter Wayne? Couldnt find the troll section to post this in? :)

Aw man! Miss a couple hours and I'm outta the loop???? Was out and about today buying bird seed for the feeders and "Ran" thru the oil section. Actually a skid of the stuff was sitting in the aisle. Which leads me to wonder?????

WHAT Bird seed is the best???


Active member
Aw man! Miss a couple hours and I'm outta the loop???? Was out and about today buying bird seed for the feeders and "Ran" thru the oil section. Actually a skid of the stuff was sitting in the aisle. Which leads me to wonder?????

WHAT Bird seed is the best???
WHAT Bird seed is the best? Twelve gauge? ;)


New member
I feel your pain. My flock empties the feeder in a couple hours. And they're getting vicious with each other too, have found a couple carcasses in the vicinity.

Well I got peanuts for the woodpeckers, suet that the cardinals like, thistle for the finches, black oil sunflower seeds and a winter mix the blue jays like. But the sparrows make a heck of a mess.


New member
Whoa....what kind of neighborhood you got there?

Peanuts are for SQUIRRELS...
Suet is for Woodpeckers and Flickers ONLY
Thistle is for finches...who else will hang upside down to get a meal???
Cardinals and Jays prefer black oilers and crushed corn
Sparrows and blackbirds squander whatever you have up there.

And if you are gett'n cardinals to eat suet...then they must be hanging around EZRA's yard too much and inhaling!


Well-known member
I have picky birds they don't like the target/fleet farm suet they only eat the $$ wild bird store stuff.
I do get pileated woodpeckers quit often they are very cool.
we have lots of fat squirrels I am sure some will be getting diabetes soon


New member
The woodpeckers love peanuts in a wire basket. Never seen the finches upside down? Cardinals. Do prefer the mixed stuff that the sparrows eat. Bluejays and chickadees clean up whatever hits the ground. Sparrows make a huge mess.


Well-known member
yeah we have the peanut pick outs the suet logs the suet flat logs that u bolt together the steel suet feeders tall finch feeders and sometimes the finch sock it is amazing how many can hang on 1; 2ft sock the feed trays all the droll yankee feeders the summer time grape jelly ones the asortment of humming birdfeeders .
I don't want to know what she spends on feeding the birds.
but as i look in the back yard I can see 7 feeders and I know some more are in the fr and side


Well-known member
Whoa....what kind of neighborhood you got there?

Peanuts are for SQUIRRELS...
Suet is for Woodpeckers and Flickers ONLY
Thistle is for finches...who else will hang upside down to get a meal???
Cardinals and Jays prefer black oilers and crushed corn
Sparrows and blackbirds squander whatever you have up there.

And if you are gett'n cardinals to eat suet...then they must be hanging around EZRA's yard too much and inhaling!

Maybe in your ' my 'hood, the sparrows devour the suet. Also attracts a couple small woodpeckers, a couple nuthatches, a couple of chickadees, and the occasional starling (which I quickly run off).

On the seed feeder I get nothing but sparrows, except for the occasional junco that browses the ground for the dropped seeds.


New member
Lol. What you do to your sled? So bad can't even ride it? Pics please. :eek:

Bent an A-arm in Montana and ordered a new one online from Polaris. Saved $100 over a instock one at a dealer, but lost this weekend to riding (who would of thought we would get snow?). So cleaned the basement for brownie points, played with the Grandson, went to my Motorcycle club meeting, loaded the trucks for mondays jobs and have stooped to the all time low of taking pics of birds in the feeders. Riding just simplifies life so much more for me. UPS said Monday for part.


Well-known member
PR1 -- sorry to be way off topic, but it seems this thread has kinda gone that way already -- I know you're not a trail rider, but do you go, or have you ever gone, to the MSA Ride-in?


New member
PR1 -- sorry to be way off topic, but it seems this thread has kinda gone that way already -- I know you're not a trail rider, but do you go, or have you ever gone, to the MSA Ride-in?

Yes, when the kids were little we also did the summer camping event with MSA. I am a Life Member since 1985. Helped out a few times at the Nelson Snow show event and also at the Barry County expo snow show. Most my wifes side are life or regular members too. My brother in law won a sled in the big drawing one year and his winning ticket was bought same time as mine. They moved locations but have not been to the new location yet. Used to visit from time to time at the Plainfiled location. Always buy trail permits directly from MSA to get the most money to the trail. I am a repressed Ricky racer. Love trail riding but was getting worried someone would die following me. Had way to many near misses with Rickys coming at me. So Avalanches are my new fear.