I compare Silva and Jones a lot. Silva has proven himself as the best in his weigh class and middle weight class fits his frame structure perfectly. I don't believe he needs to step up to light heavy weight and defeat Jones to prove anything cause he already proved everything he needs to prove. He has stepped into light heavy weight 3 times in his career so should he step up again and take on Jones,,,I honestly do not think he wants to do that as he knows Jones is a world class champion just as he is. We all wanna see it but I don't need to see it in reality because both are GREAT in their weight class. Now, I do want to see Chael Sonnen fight Jones because Sonnen want's it and Jones would stomp Sonnen to a blody pulp, more than he has ever been beaten in his life. You will not see a double leg take down from Chael cause Jones's take down defense is phenomenal and both are incredible wrestlers. No one can take anything away from Sonnen with his wrestling skills. I believe he is the best wrestler out there and self proclaimed also,,,lol