Favorite Trail Pics


Here are a couple I just took on the Bill Nichols Trail near Twin Lakes. The first one is from Sunday morning after gettting close to a foot of snow overnight. I made the first tracks on the trail. The second one is from this morning. I rode with Mike Sabo on the groomer doing the first panning of the trail from Twin Lakes to Toivola and back.

Interesting only bcause they are the first of the year.
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I have some... the fire sled was not us, we rolled up on this thing burning, best I can figure is... it was bad luck or an insurance job ?

I was wondering where the fire picture was taken. A few years ago, My son was riding a rental sled out of Land O' Lakes and it caught fire just like this


Menominee river
Buddy getting on it
Buddy and daughter making snow angels
Steel dam


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New member
It's not a trail but there is Snow- Castle Rock Lake the day before we got 20" of snow. I added the Yamaha logo.

Two Poo's stopped- Snowy Mountains Wyoming with my Daddy!

Both taken in the same winter


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Well-known member
Over the hood deep!!! :)

Here I am during the April 2007 snowstorm on Trail #12 from the Rousseau Bar to Mass City. Some of the best powder I've been in! Click on the picture once it's open to make it bigger.

Thursday, December 08, 2011.jpg


New member
I had to get my map out so I didn't look like an idiot. I'm pretty sure it was on trail 11 around the porkey's. OR 102 .... it was several years ago we were doing our family trip. I was kind of riding middle of pack , helping keep the young guns contained. When we rolled up on this , my heart dropped. 1st thing I was looking for was my son, then the other members kids. The lead dog stopped just to re group us back up and it was good he did because it was startling !!! There were 2 guys off to the side, with 2 sleds up ahead of this thing ????. I gave the guy's a thumbs up and we regrouped while rolling slowly waiting for the ladies then just happened to grab my camera out of my pocket. Whoever they were probably got several thumbs up, but it never looked right. There was 2 guys, 2 sleds and the one sled burning ???

If it was you guy's hope everything turned out OK. Sorry for the details but my memory gets foggy. It could have been on 11N also. It shook me up, like most of my friends we worry about our kids, the rest of us have been busted up before and are fully aware of the possible complications that weather & injury & desolation can bring.

Might as well get the pictures out.... not much else to do but dream & reminesce !!! And pray for snow.
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Active member
This is my favorite picture of a trail.


And this is one of my favorites "off trail"



New member
167303_1604988083707_1206273464_31358883_615595_n.jpg 161500_1206273464_1061425_n.jpg 167041_1604980123508_1206273464_31358847_3596782_n.jpg These pic were taken soon after I moved up here i found out really fast i needed a longer track the one pic is where i was stuck up by the arvon by myself it was snowing so hard that day i some how lost the trail. Not good when you only have a 121 track and not the greatest heart.LOL
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