Fear the Tatas



Female homicide bombers are being fitted with exploding breast implants which are almost impossible to detect, British spies have reportedly discovered.

The shocking new Al Qaeda tactic involves radical doctors inserting the explosives in women's breasts during plastic surgery — making them "virtually impossible to detect by the usual airport scanning machines."

It is believed the doctors have been trained at some of Britain's leading teaching hospitals before returning to their own countries to perform the surgical procedures.

MI5 has also discovered that extremists are inserting the explosives into the buttocks of some male bombers.

"Women suicide bombers recruited by Al Qaeda are known to have had the explosives inserted in their breasts under techniques similar to breast enhancing surgery," Terrorist expert Joseph Farah claims.

The lethal explosives called PETN are inserted inside plastic shapes during the operation, before the breast is then sewn up.

The discovery of these methods was made after London-educated Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab came close to blowing up an airliner in the U.S. on Christmas Day.

He had stuffed explosives inside his underpants.

Hours after he had failed, Britain's intelligence services began to pick up "chatter" emanating from Pakistan and Yemen that alerted MI5 to the creation of the lethal implants.

A hand-picked team investigated the threat which was described as "one that can circumvent our defense."

Top surgeons have confirmed the feasibility of the explosive implants.

Explosive experts allegedly told MI5 that a sachet containing as little as five ounces of PETN could blow "a considerable hole" in an airline's skin, causing it to crash.

Click here to read more on this story from The Sun.


New member
Hey,... Nice,....KABOOM!

Exploding Boobs.
I'll have to keep A Breast of this situation.

watch out Pamela Anderson!


New member
I'm glad we are way out in front on this one. I hope we can nip it before it's becomes a problem. Burns on the face can be very serious.


On a related issue, instead of spending all that money on x-ray body scanning devices that cost millions, why can’t they go back to the old Mad Magazine issues and buy those $1.00 x-ray glasses and give all of the TSA agents a pair.


New member
The sky is falling too. One thing you hate to see is the dissemination of these internet hoaxes - we don't need anymore paranoia. There are enough genuine threats out there.


Active member
X-ray vision

I tried these and they do work. But use them wisely cause some things you dont want to see or to be etched in the mind as a visual memory !

Under a TSA Contract, they would be paying $39.99 as throwaways for each shift.



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Chords, you were one of the lucky ones to actually get a pair of these. I ordered a pair of them when I was 14, but my mom got to the mail box first. Dang, they sure would of helped me answer some of those questions I had in 9th grade.
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