Filling sled with coolant


New member
Ok guys help me out and tell me what I did wrong. I rebuilt my motor (zr800), had the front end raised up about 16 -18 inches, put anti freeze in it, started it up to get coolant pumping through engine ( dumping more in as needed ), let it sit and idle then all the sudden as soon as the t-stat opened all the antifreeze dumped out of it. I did not see where it came from, I assume out of the overflow tube, I am guessing I probably should not of had the radiator cap on the bottle. Would appreciate if someone could shed some light on this for me. Thanks


New member
lots of looks but no responces so I will give it a shot...first off not familiar with your machine but sounds like you did right...I would have left cap off until sled was good and warm then shut down..let cool and restart and see if coolant goes down...but all of this with cap off.

Now a second question. I assume there is no crossover tube at the back of the machine. If there is then the back of the machine would need to be higher then motor to burp system. Is there a set screw or bleed screw on top of coolant elbow?? If so use that to burp the system too. It has been a long time since I have worked or helped with a Cat so I am only going off memory and what I have delt with on Doo's and Yammy's.


Well-known member
Really need to know where it dumped out. Maybe you forgot to hook up a hose on the rebuild? Maybe Water pump is junk and thats why it blew up in the first place? Or a hole in a hose or something. I always have the rad cap on after filling coolant. I've never raised front end before to bleed coolant, I only drain the motor of the antifreeze so it stays in the heat exchangers whenever I'm working on it. I just fill it, start it, shut it off, fill it again and never had any issues.


New member
Take the caps off everything and raise the front end a foot. Then pull the thermo housing off and thermo out. Fill the motor up then button everything back up and fill the res bottle. The cap has two positions put it at the first and warm it up leave the bottle cap off. It will push a little into the bottle and out as it expands. Check that both heat exchanges are warm to hot. When you go to run it have the cap full closed and check that the res bottle is still full for the first couple miles. If you didnt do that you might have air in the system. Put the cap on first notch after warming and while sled is running pull the sled over on its side a minute. You usually can tell air in system one exchanger will be hotter than the other by a lot