Final Shuttle Launch


Yep, it's the last launch for Discovery... but we still have Endeavour and Atlantis. Always cool to see them take off.


Yep. 2 more to go and then it's museum time. Just think of the stuff we would have now if NASA would have been funded to the max since 1970. Cars that run on farts and phones that run on thought waves. And sleds that have 470 hp and weigh 200 lbs. Instead we are broke.
Yep, it's the last launch for Discovery... but we still have Endeavour and Atlantis. Always cool to see them take off.

Not so??? I believe all three Shuttles are scheduled for decommisioning sometime in 2011 with Obamas push to end the "moon" program. From what I have read, sometime in the next few years our astronauts will travel to the space station by way of space taxis provided by commercial companies. Unfortunately this move towards radically changing the way America has lead the way in space travel has been washed under the rug with all the other bad agendas coming out of our new management in Washington and will finally give Russia a chance to take over the lead in Space Exploration and technology. The funny thing is their reason for cancelling the Shuttle program was monetary, while they cancelled the Constellation program too which has been under development for a number of years costing billions of dollars. It's one thing to squash a program before throwing money at it but why do it after already spending so much time and money developing something new??????

some truth and also my .02¢



Well-known member
10 yrs to late should have scraped that huge cash sucking vortex 10 to 15 yrs ago only cool thing to come out of NASA in 15 yrs are the picks from Hubble.and I could live without those just fine.Oh sorry forgot about the titillating story of the crazy woman who wore a space diaper so she could drive cross country with no breaks to to something to her astronaut boy friend.that was worth a few jokes but no where close to a few billion a yr


New member
The shuttle was second choice method of lifting payloads
to orbit. What ever happened to the x15 space plane?


New member
Not much to doo LOL so made the wife come with, she has pics, even from a distance it rumbles like nothing else, wish my sled ran that good. Pretty cool to see