Flee and tick


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The vet sold us Vectra 3d,has anyone used it ? We will be taking the 4 month old puppy to the UP in a few weeks. I don't want him to get eaten alive.


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We use frontline and it works pretty good, Talk to Mrs. Runningbear about tick's she had a facebook post about how bad they are in the UP



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Any home remedies out there? A yooper told me to spray him with a 50/50 vinegar and water .Anyone heard of this ?


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I've found with frontline that it needs to have been applied for at LEAST 1 full month before taking dog to tick areas. I put it on my dog 2 weeks before heading up north and I ended up picking 36 ticks off of him. This was a couple years ago so ticks weren't as bad as this year.

I switched to vectra in may and haven't had a tick yet, but I started the year(April) on frontline. He did have one engorged this year on frontline.

Not sure I would use anything on a 4 month old puppy. Those chemicals aren't very nice. But I wouldn't want him unprotected either. Pretty easy to get Lymes or anaplasmosis.

I used Burt's Bees on him a couple times. It's more for mosquitoes, but may work on ticks...it's all organic crap and the company hates anything with motors(sleds), but bets the heck outta messing up your dog. FYI the stuff smells pretty strong and my dog didnt like it the first time he had it on. It's a spray.


New member
My inlaws own a vet clinic they gave me a collar called preventics. They're usually pretty hip on the stuff that works good.I know that don't answer your question but what ever you got don't happen to work just trying to give ya another option. For fleas she gave me Trifexis. It's a pill given once a month it also controls round worm, hook worm & whip worms .And heart worm that comes from mosquitoes.


Active member
Thanks for the info. The vet said Vectra 3d was the only puppy safe product that works. A few years ago I stuck my atv in the woods by myself. A lot of digging and sweating ,I was covered in Deep Woods Off,mud,and over 20 ticks. I like to go up there prepared,not to many stores near by. The organic bug spay I use on the kids may help,thanks for the idea.Is the preventics collar puppy safe?


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Besides using Frontline, I use Bronco Equine Spray made by Farnam on my Skye girl. The flies and skeeters are bad here and it works well. You can buy this at Farm Store or Tack Store, I bought it online since we don't have one in town.