Flight Cancellations?


Hey all,

I've got a question and need some advice/thoughts about flight delays and canellations. Ok, so I am scheduled to fly out of Milwaukee on Wednesday 12/9 at 10:30 am with lay over in Detroit. The flight from Detroit leaves at 12:30 pm on 12/9 with an ultimate destination of Scranton, PA at 4:00 pm.

I am heading to a 2 day interview that starts on the night of the 9th; I absolutely have to be there. The interview starts at 7:00 pm which gives me only a couple hours between arival and interview.

As you all know we are supposed to get pounded with snow beginning the eve of 12/8 and ending some time 12/9. My question is, how much snow does the Milwaukee/Detroit airports need to get before they start delaying and cancelling flights? Do you think I should just go ahead and book another flight that leaves tomorrow 12/8? Or roll the dice and hope the snow doesn't cause delays.

Anyone with knowledge of snow amounts and flight delays would be appreciated.

the fastest 500 around


New member
I am a frequent traveler and feel your pain with this one. The bigger problem is not the airports themselves, but the flights that are coming in. I fly out of Detroit monthly. They are very well equipped to handle snow. I have flown in during a winter storm and they have had their snowblowers, snowplows out in formation doing everything they can to keep the runways clear.

I have found that my delays have nearly always come from other parts of the country. If your Milwaukee flight happens to be a plane that is flying in from a part of the country that is getting pounded by this storm, odds are VERY good it will be late getting to Milwaukee. Thus, you may be late leaving Milwaukee. Same for Detroit.

Also, keep in mind that if they need to de-ice these planes before they leave (very likely with the temps) then you WILL NOT leave on time. The pilots can make up a bit of time in the air, but they are at the mercy of the receiving airport. If they are behind, their scheduled gate may have been forfeited to another plane and they will have to wait until another opens for them.

I live about 15 minutes from the Detroit airport. I can tell you that we are not expecteing any significant snowfall that will cause big delays at the airport. However, like I said, the bigger problems come from states that are not as proficient in poor weather conditions. Those planes are usually the ones that cause the delays in the northern airports.

IMHO - I would try to book an earlier flight.

Good luck with the interview. Hope you nail it!


New member
If I were you, I would also check into a contingency plan for your interview. Can you call someone with the company you're interviewing with to let them know about your situation? It's real life, you want the job, you want to get there, but out of courtesy to them, you wanted to let them know you might get stranded.....If I were the hiring manager in this scenario, I would be impressed you are covering ALL your bases. Shows attention to detail and a sense of urgency to get the job....Just my $.02.


hey guys,

Thanks for the responses. I booked an earlier flight and leave tomorrow morning. I have to eat the original ticket out there, but it was only $85 so it doesn't hurt too bad.


I completely agree with you, a normal company would like the urgency and attention to detail. Unfortunately I am applying for a residency position in a very competitive specialty. These programs get anywhere from 400-600 application for 2-8 spots. Most programs only offer 1-2 interview days and interview about 30 people/spot. So, they pretty much like it when you can't get there. It's one less person they have to consider. It makes their lives easier. That is just the culture of medicine I guess.