Forklift statring to smoke


New member
This is very close to what the forklift does where I work! Its fine when the thing is just started, but once its warmed up, it smokes like crazy! I don't have any idea what to do to fix it though, sorry!


New member
new rings would probably help.imo propane doesn't have much viscosity, or it could be a bad head gasket, what does the smoke smell like?


New member
fork lift

It smells like burning oil. Is there any snake oil additives that will help. Im not sure it is worth tearing down and reringing. This unit only runs about 1/2 hour a week and the last time it ran for a hour or so it quit smoking after i used the heck out of it.
Any ideas?
If its white most likely burning anti-freeze which would lead to a head gasktet, simple repair.

If its blue its probably oil, rings really aren't that hard to replace.

You could also check the condition the oil is in, milky, black etc. Is the anti-freeze overflow tank full or do you need to fill it all the time?


Well-known member
ghost ride it off the loading dock and use the insurance check to buy a new used lift