Former Pit Stop in Greenland

Did the former Pit Stop Restaurant in Greenland open? When I was up in December I know there was talk of it opening soon. I would like to take the family down that way today. Any info would be appreciated.


New member
I have a buddy staying there now and talked to him yesterday and he said no. Unfortunately they're having licensing problems from what he heard.


New member
Nothing more than the usual on waiting for license. Usually takes many months - as fast as background checks can be accomplished these days shouldn't have to take so long - held up in Lansing.


Active member
Opening Soon?

I am anxious to know if The Pit Stop will be opening soon. We are going to be staying in Greenland starting on Wednesday, Feb 4th and it sure would be nice to be able to stop there for dinner/drinks on our way home.
Anyone got the scoop?


New member
Had a meeting with the state liq. comish. today .. fingers crossed for Val & Jerry ...
I & they will keep you updated ..

- - - Updated - - -


I wanted to say ... They & I .... LOL


New member
Had a meeting with the state liq. comish. today .. fingers crossed for Val & Jerry ...
I & they will keep you updated ..

- - - Updated - - -


I wanted to say ... They & I .... LOL

Why are they not on here promoting the new business?


Active member
Why are they not on here promoting the new business?
Kind of hard to know what to promote if you don't know what day you'll open.

Hope they get things worked out soon, running out of time to make hay before the off season.


Well-known member
Kind of hard to know what to promote if you don't know what day you'll open.

Hope they get things worked out soon, running out of time to make hay before the off season.

Thank the state for being slow on licenses, just ask Don, Donna, and the new owners of the bug bar how long things can take. Some friends tried to buy da flowage a few years back state took so long lost entire season so they backed out and it is still closed.

The Mosquito

New member
Yes, Our licensing can take a long time. Ours took almost 9 months. There are a lot of loop holes to jump through.
Jerry & Val are excited to open as soon as the paper work is in order.
We are super excited to support them in their new venture. I was able to find out a few of her menu items & am so excited to go try everything.
stay tuned! Im sure they will join us on here shortly.


Active member
Yes, Our licensing can take a long time. Ours took almost 9 months. There are a lot of loop holes to jump through.......

I told you that you should have just been honest about all that stuff your background check turned up... would have been a whole lot faster if you just would have admitted stealing that fully loaded beer truck when you were 16 ;)

Hope things are keeping you hopping, see you in a few day!


Well-known member
Ok no liquor license but why not open & sell food & pop while the sled traffic is available? Work a deal with Kip & get on with it....going to be along Spring,Summer & Fall until next Winter sounds like another da flowage story inprocess.:(

Deleted member 10829

Ok no liquor license but why not open & sell food & pop while the sled traffic is available? Work a deal with Kip & get on with it....going to be along Spring,Summer & Fall until next Winter sounds like another da flowage story inprocess.:(

I agree! We need a spot to stop in that area, especially for breakfast. A pop is better than no place to stop!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
I believe they are doing quite a kitchen remodel last time I talked to Val!
I'm sure they will open soon!

Scottiking OUT

Ok no liquor license but why not open & sell food & pop while the sled traffic is available? Work a deal with Kip & get on with it....going to be along Spring,Summer & Fall until next Winter sounds like another da flowage story inprocess.:(


Active member
Ok no liquor license but why not open & sell food & pop while the sled traffic is available? Work a deal with Kip & get on with it....going to be along Spring,Summer & Fall until next Winter sounds like another da flowage story inprocess.:(

I agree! We need a spot to stop in that area, especially for breakfast. A pop is better than no place to stop!!

I believe they are doing quite a kitchen remodel last time I talked to Val!
I'm sure they will open soon!

Scottiking OUT

If the kitchen's not ready its understandable. If it's ready, I'm sure they've thought about opening and I'd vote for that too if public opinion can sway them to do so, but on the other hand you'd hate to buy a business and find out after the papers are signed that the liquor commission decided for some reason to say "no".