Found 2 bags in Calumet feb 1


New member
Found a blue gear bag and a black trunk bag! Describe the contents if they are yours and we'll get them back to you!! Found them around 1:30pm on Trail 17 heading into Calumet.
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New member
Here we go..another bag thread

Something wrong with that??? If I was the guy that lost them I would be sick to my stomach and probably ruined his vacation. I did take the time to see if there was a lost and found category but being on a smartphone on the trail I didn't want to kill all my battery juice looking for one.....Geez Louise!


Well-known member
Something wrong with that??? If I was the guy that lost them I would be sick to my stomach and probably ruined his vacation. I did take the time to see if there was a lost and found category but being on a smartphone on the trail I didn't want to kill all my battery juice looking for one.....Geez Louise!

pretty sure he was jokingly referring to the "found handlebar bag containing pot" that got a million posts last month.

I'd be grateful to get my chit back, dude. thanks for posting....