It's easy. Do it yourself. Also, those parts cross many many sleds, so save some money and look on the internet for a used one. Just go to the or website, click on the links to find the parts look up tool. go to your sled and find the part that is broken. Then there is a button in the screen on the left (you might have to scroll in that small window over to the right), that is to show you "usage". You'll get a big list of other years and sleds that have the same part. Helps you expand your search for the used part.
The key to pulling out the skid from the track is to loosen the torsion springs (not take them off, just take the tension off of the resting block and let them spin freely). Then the suspension will collapse flat, and come out easier. Also, you have to loosen the rear idler wheels so they slide forward and loosen the track up, making room to lift it out of the slide guides on the inside of the track.
Good luck. It's easier than you think.