Well, I feel uncomfortable calling myself a true local, more of a transplant. But that does afford me the opportunity to see parts of both sides. I would not say that all locals (or even a meaningful fraction) will give the cold shoulder to all new arrivals. I think what happens in many cases is that folks living in small communities up here are doing so not for the economic opportunities that are here, but because they love the UP and the lifestyle. The new arrival may have come from an area where financial gain is the number one thing to most folks and thus thinks that all the locals will immediately be grateful to them for the changes they are bringing. Not that the locals are particularly against the changes, but may be made to feel like they OWE the new arrival something for the changes they bring.
I know of a very similar situation where a person moved into a very small town that did not have a lot of things going for it economically. They bought up some of the buildings, fixed them up enough to make them desirable to a particular brand of tourists. However, they did so in a fashion that seemed to give the impression that they were better than the locals and that the locals owed them a debt of gratitude for all that this person had done. Some of the locals got the impression that this person thought he was better than them. Things got worse when this person started complaining about things some of the locals were doing, but then went on to do the same thing themselves and thought it was OK for them to do it, but not the others. I am pretty sure that no matter where you go, if you do those kinds of things, you are not going to be well liked- be it a big community with a thriving economy or a small community with a struggling community.
I know when I moved up, I went out of my way to try and fit in, meaning I was friendly and respectful to all the locals. It did not take long at all for me to make some very good friends and be welcomed into the community as one of their own. I know of another local and board member, Lenny, that did the same thing and is a welcomed and respected member of his community. So I think the formula works.
Unfortunately not all those moving up follow a similar route and things go bad for everyone. Just my 2 1/2 cents.