FYI Sidnaw station hours


New member
For anyone heading that way that may need gas here's a heads up. They close daily at 6:00. We figured that being a bar that they would be open especially on a Saturday night, but we were wrong. We got lucky and got some gas from the great guys across the road. ...


Active member
Back in the late 1940s/early 1950s the Sidnaw Station hours were only …
(Photo courtesy of Pasty Cam.)[SUP]1[/SUP]
… during times when the coal fired DSS&A[SUP]2[/SUP] passenger train was scheduled to be there!
(Been there, saw that! :cool3:)

And that's how the present "Sidnaw Station" got its name!

[SUP]1[/SUP] Although the sign says Sidnaw, that surely wasn't the Sidnaw passenger station, perhaps some railroad utility shack like the Eagle Mills Yard scale house shown here:
(Photo courtesy of Pasty Cam.)
I assure you the old Sidnaw passenger station looked more like the Covington Station (around the 1930's) shown here:
(Photo courtesy of Pasty Cam.)

[SUP]2[/SUP] (DSS&A: "Damn Slow Service & Abuse", or "Dust, Sand, Soot & Ashes".)

As Paul Harvey would have said:
"And now you know the rest of the story."