Garage Project Complete


New member
Just finished my garage, bought the house when it was 90% completed spec home, garage was bare studs. I have been working on & off on it for about 4 years. Kind of hard to devote time to it with snowmobiles in the winter, bikes in the summer, & a job that requires overnight travel during the week but I'm finally done, yee haw!
Some things I learned in the process; have the builder plumb for your furnace, even if your not putting it in right away, have them insulate it, rock it, and plaster it while the subs are doing the house, you would be surprised how cheap it is. Have the plumber run hot & cold soft water to the garage, especially if you have hard water, makes so much nicer for washing cars, bikes, sleds, and avoiding water spotting.
You can then have fun on the weekends instead of spending every waking moment in the garage like I did.
My wife says I went overboard, some people just don't understand...


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Well-known member
My wife says I went overboard, some people just don't understand...

that the garage is like my living room, and should look just like it! Heck, I know some of us spend more time there than in the actual "living room" of the house!!!


New member
Looks really nice. I know I spend more time in the garage then in the house working on things. You need to add Sat T.V. Added a few years ago, nice to be able to watch the races while working in the garage.


Well-known member
Looks really nice. I didn't see a refrigerator, must have refreshments in the shop.


Well-known member
That thing looks amazing! You going to epoxy the floor? that would really add a nice touch to it. Is that a lawn-mower i see? better go build a shed for it! no yard equipment in the workshop!!! :D


New member
I was thinking about coating the floor but I want something that will last, bike kickstands, carbides, studs, oil grease, etc. I have seen some garages that look like total sh$t after a few years. Power washer once in spring & once in fall will do the trick for now while I ponder that.

I do have a cable outlet, my plan is to get a 19" or so flat panel that I can run through the stereo speakers that I have in the 4 corners.

fridge is the black thing between the work bench & the trash can with the stereo on it, your right, that's a must have!


Well-known member
Add some workbenches

Try to keep the floor uncluttered. I like to attach them to the wall and keep the floor open. It is much easier to clean up the place.

Cheap melamine tops are easy to replace too.


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Well-known member
Wow! Some of you guys have really nice and tidy shops. Mine is very functional for me with a few fun things ( t.v., pool table, dart board, frig. couch), but mine is not nearly as nice looking as the pictures above. I'm a little jealous now.


Yeah, I'm pretty jealous too. Lets see - no TV, no benches, no fridge. WTH is wrong with me! I think I need my own sled shed now.


Well-known member
I was thinking about coating the floor but I want something that will last, bike kickstands, carbides, studs, oil grease, etc. I have seen some garages that look like total sh$t after a few years. Power washer once in spring & once in fall will do the trick for now while I ponder that.

I do have a cable outlet, my plan is to get a 19" or so flat panel that I can run through the stereo speakers that I have in the 4 corners.

fridge is the black thing between the work bench & the trash can with the stereo on it, your right, that's a must have!

You could do a shiny clearcoat


New member
Try to keep the floor uncluttered. I like to attach them to the wall and keep the floor open. It is much easier to clean up the place.

Cheap melamine tops are easy to replace too.

Maybe I missed it in the pics, but how are the lower shelves supported? That looks great.


New member
It is like you read my mind I am doing pretty much the same thing and almost the same colors with the diamond plate as sort of a chair rail look! I am currently sanding all the drywall joints but soon to move on to priming and painting. Dont worry there will be a diffrence between our garages though, I will not have the nice looking Harley parked in least not for a while! :)
Congrats looks awesome!
Rock On!


New member
So they are just held in the back, by the wall? I see the 45's with outlets, but nothing in the front. Doesn't the weight try to sag them?