gas saver car.....opinions


New member
I am more inclined to believe that the 18 mpg vehicle is costing you $, than the 38 mpg vehicle is saving you $.

Team Elkhorn

Our $16,000, 38 mpg small car saves us 25 gallons of gas a week over our 18 mpg vehicle . Times that by an average of $3.50 a gallon you get $87.50 per week. Times 4, you get $350.00 per month, times 12 you get $4200.00 a year. Over 5 years you get $21,000 dollars, the car more than pays for itself. We save our $45,000 dollar vehicle and the environment.

If you are putting 45,000 miles a year on your "spare car", how many miles are you putting on you main car?

I guess you mean our tow vehicle, we put around 4500 miles per year on it. Its 8 years old and it only has about 36,000 miles total. I change the oil once a year before winter. It sleeps in the garage and is in like new condition. Seems like a waste, but I need it to tow the trailer. Our small car gets all the miles. We do a lot of traveling, plus work. Wife and I commute together.

We also have our old Corolla, our old commuter. It has almost 200,000 miles on it. We just keep it around cause it runs good and it just wont die. We let our kids drive it when they fly into town. :)


Lookin at getting late model used car thats gets 33-40 mpg and is still safe. Im thinking hyundai elantra honda civic vw jetta chevy cruze ford focus or kia. Any opinions would be great.

My $.02...How about a Toyota Corolla? Some pretty good buys on 2009-10's, with 30-40k miles. Good mileage, better ride than a Civic, and they seem to run forever.