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Whatsat sayin...fools rush in.....
At ur service....say did yah see the new spray cans of that expanding can now save part of the can by bending the tube around and securing the end of it so it doesn't dry why didn't I think of that?
Anyway back to the particular dezcussion.....
Since the Prez was gettn handed the job way back in November...dats when the election happens, don't yah know....and he was also given great freedom to take over the previous prez...was only too egar to get back to rop'n cattle, down on dah ranch sos he doled out a bunch of billions to keep dem boys swimmin til the new prezz got in dar.....I suspect that the deal for that limo was cut well before he took office and the bill was sent well after January 20 (I'm a guess'n here dat GM was down kiss'n feet and making nice to dis guy even before dah big day arrived).... and having good credit an all dah Gov has lots of that dez maybe not so fast on that assumping.....
As for dah report'n GM does, assuming that they gave a nice big period of credit to the US government, that big check prolly didn't land in dah coffers at GM until say....beginnin of January it don't surprise me with the cyfering goin on at the GM headquarters that they waited to report that big ole profit to coincide with the big ole CEO paychecks they had to also fess up about....we got to make GM look good as if'n the investment was....ah....well, a reasonable one....tut least along typical and NORMAL government know with gold plated hammers and twenty grand toilet seats....just do'n business as usual....(how did you think we got way up in the stratusphere in dah debit areas...just fighten a bunch of wars and build'n bridges?????)
Now admittedly, my go to guy...didn't get his usual cup of coffee, and rendered a big old boo-boo in the cyfering department cross checkin stuff and coming up with a conversion of money that came to a triffle over the actual amount it cost to build that land cruiser....but it was an honest mistake and I won't hang the poor fried lizzard out to dry for that one....but....
It, no doubt did add to the bottom line and put smiles on GM accountants faces to pluck that little jewel out of the lemon pudding and shuck it around like a hocky puck on ice to show a nice fat profit fur dah company...thereby makin the boss look good and worth the millions that they paid that guy to--- well.....make GM look good as a Government investment....maybe not quite the likes of something else like oil stocks or other commodities...but heck....this IS the government don't yah know...and they need to look as good as they can or some folks might have a heard time gett'n re-electimacated.
I stand by my statement!!!
Oh, and by dah way...make sure yous puts some signage around about putt'n down some decon....for dem mices.....some folks dogs might eat it up and you know how dem rascals can find a tiny hole to crawl thru and make up a home away from home iff'n yah happen to miss one of those crack's wit dah calk'n gun....
We kinda learned dis one dah hard get daht printer work'n....put sum ink in dar and start print'n up a cents in pay'n out for fix'n dogs if'n a sign will keep yur kester out of hot water with dah customers.
At ur service....say did yah see the new spray cans of that expanding can now save part of the can by bending the tube around and securing the end of it so it doesn't dry why didn't I think of that?
Anyway back to the particular dezcussion.....
Since the Prez was gettn handed the job way back in November...dats when the election happens, don't yah know....and he was also given great freedom to take over the previous prez...was only too egar to get back to rop'n cattle, down on dah ranch sos he doled out a bunch of billions to keep dem boys swimmin til the new prezz got in dar.....I suspect that the deal for that limo was cut well before he took office and the bill was sent well after January 20 (I'm a guess'n here dat GM was down kiss'n feet and making nice to dis guy even before dah big day arrived).... and having good credit an all dah Gov has lots of that dez maybe not so fast on that assumping.....
As for dah report'n GM does, assuming that they gave a nice big period of credit to the US government, that big check prolly didn't land in dah coffers at GM until say....beginnin of January it don't surprise me with the cyfering goin on at the GM headquarters that they waited to report that big ole profit to coincide with the big ole CEO paychecks they had to also fess up about....we got to make GM look good as if'n the investment was....ah....well, a reasonable one....tut least along typical and NORMAL government know with gold plated hammers and twenty grand toilet seats....just do'n business as usual....(how did you think we got way up in the stratusphere in dah debit areas...just fighten a bunch of wars and build'n bridges?????)
Now admittedly, my go to guy...didn't get his usual cup of coffee, and rendered a big old boo-boo in the cyfering department cross checkin stuff and coming up with a conversion of money that came to a triffle over the actual amount it cost to build that land cruiser....but it was an honest mistake and I won't hang the poor fried lizzard out to dry for that one....but....
It, no doubt did add to the bottom line and put smiles on GM accountants faces to pluck that little jewel out of the lemon pudding and shuck it around like a hocky puck on ice to show a nice fat profit fur dah company...thereby makin the boss look good and worth the millions that they paid that guy to--- well.....make GM look good as a Government investment....maybe not quite the likes of something else like oil stocks or other commodities...but heck....this IS the government don't yah know...and they need to look as good as they can or some folks might have a heard time gett'n re-electimacated.
I stand by my statement!!!
Oh, and by dah way...make sure yous puts some signage around about putt'n down some decon....for dem mices.....some folks dogs might eat it up and you know how dem rascals can find a tiny hole to crawl thru and make up a home away from home iff'n yah happen to miss one of those crack's wit dah calk'n gun....
We kinda learned dis one dah hard get daht printer work'n....put sum ink in dar and start print'n up a cents in pay'n out for fix'n dogs if'n a sign will keep yur kester out of hot water with dah customers.
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