Last year we had an accident while occurred while we were stopped allowing oncoming sleds to pass, my soon to be wife and I both use gauntlets on our sleds which are somewhat rigid, there is a elastic band that is supposed to keep it on end of handle bar but those who use them Im sure know how well this works, not sure but we are assuming that she bumped the gauntlet which caused the throttle lever to depress and we all know how quickly sleds accelerate and the accident occurred. My question is... does anyone have any recommendation of retaining the gauntlet to end of handle bar? to help and hopefully prevent this from potentially happening again, and also keep the gauntlet up so not having to pull it up when you put your hands into them. we currently have a 2017 Eltigre 8000 and a 2009 F8, and are using Arctic Cat Gauntlets, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!