german short hair pointers


Well-known member
I have a pointer that is 10 years old and tore his right rear hamstring last year. After the vet sewed it back up he mentioned that his other hamstring would probably tear in about a year. Sure enough I think he tore it as he can't really walk and doesn't want to do anything. The vet said this is very common for pointers at this age, and I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem.


New member
Ever wonder why we pick dogs for pets? Even turtles live longer....horses 30 years....elephants...70...but NO....we pick dogs which just learn to do the right things very well...and whammmm....they go south on you.

We humans are gluttons for punishment. Good luck with a great hunting dog.


New member
Is it just a house pet or do you use it for hunting? If its a hunter than after 10 yrs. all dogs get pretty wore out that gets to be a lot of running and hard work for them.


New member
I don't know about hamstrings, but coming from a guy that just got done spending 5g's on fixing his 11yr+ beagle's slipped disk I say do it. In June the vet said I can have her put down or spend the $ and she'd be chasin' bunnies by the fall. Couldn't live w/myself putting down the female that has been with me longer than my wife just because of money.

Three snowshoes and a feral cat on her own and a best friend for another couple years, it was worth every penny!


Well-known member
well I was just told tonight that I will be spending 1200+ for ACL surgery for my scottish terrier.I hope it will last longer than a yr.we just got home from the emergency vet why cant my dogs get hurt M-F between 9and 5 no never always a holiday weekend after 6.he is in pain hope the pills vet gave him start to kick in .


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george- he is not a hunting dog, never was. just a family pet that likes to pretend he hunts in the yard. never been taken on a hunting trip though.
ezra- this is his other hamstring that hasn't been worked on yet. the vet fixed the right hammy last year and then said the left will proably go. the one the vet fixed is fine and hes confident it will last his lifetime. i am most definitely getting his hammy fixed it just sucks.


New member

I have had 2 GSP's and not experienced torn hammys. I had to put the older 1down last February (13.5 yrs. old) and it looks like my young one (11.5 yrs. old) is going to go this month due to cancer.
Both dogs were big time hunters and fortunately only needed stitches a few times, no other surgeries.
Good luck in your decision. I'm sure you'll make the right one.


New member
We have a 5.5yr old GSP that tore his CCL (ACL in humans) this just before the 4th of July this past year. In the approx. year before he would run hard then it was almost like his leg had fallen asleep and he wouldn't put any weight on it. The first vet we went to said it was just a muscle strain. The next said it was a possible tear and the 3rd vet confirmed it as a slow tearing process like a rope freying.

Here we are almost 5 months later and afer some excruciating recovery time, try keeping a GSP ( or any dog) calm for 2 months!!! Things are back to normal. He is running like crazy and you would never know anything was wrong.

Check out the yahoo group 'ortho dogs' there is a done of knowledge and experience there. Not only with CCL but other canine ailments too!!


New member
Our boxer who is 10 tomorrow!!!! A few years back tore his CCL. Our vet said he did not tear it that bad and with R&R (doggie downers work wonders!) and supplements he would be near normal, never would be 100% but close, we asked to do surgery anyways and were told no. He told us that it would be a sure bet that he would tear the other while recouping and instead of paying once we'd pay twice. Needless to say our boy is fine and even though he is going on 10 he still acts like a puppy, we just watch him very carefully and don't allow him to tear it up outside anymore which sucks because my parents have a 4 year old boxer and they love to play. Obviously if we were told he needed the surgery we would have done it in a heart beat and if the other one tore we probably would have done that one too.

It's hard to tell someone what to do in this situation, We love him and for all purposes he is our son, but it becomes age vs quality of life vs bank account. I know if he was 10 & was in pain all the time or were told it wouldn't be worth it, we would probably think twice.


My year old Vizsla (pointer) tore an ankle ligament when he was 4 months ols. Soft cast and splint for 9 weeks!!! I know your pain with the vet bills. I found a clinic with canine orthopedic specialists here in SE Michigan and he is like new....


New member
Our GSP is 4.5yrs old and he has never had any issues with his hammy's. He pulled a muscle in his front shoulder last year and was limping around for a while, vet gave him some pills and he was good to go again after a week or so.

I was trying to save some money on food for a while and switched from Euk to Pedigree. After a while his belly was all red and irritated and he was getting bumps all over his body, like mosquito bites. Read an article and it said don't feed your dog these three ingredients (can't remember what they were) because many dogs are allergic to them. Checked the Pedigree bag and all 3 were in the top 5 ingredients, switched back to Euk and everything cleared up.