Go Pro Mounting location?


New member
Last year I got my Gopro stuck on a brach and it yanked me literately halfway off of my sled. The 3m adhesive is that strong.

Thanks for that info. I'm just going to use that mount and no tethers. This way I can just put those mounts on everyone's helmet in the group and not the tethers.


New member
I have a couple questions for you guys with Go Pros, I got one for christmas this year and will use it for the first time up in Ishpeming in a couple weeks, I did
Do a trial run with it mounted to the top back of the helmet, the view was perfect but it never caught the skis at all, I think you get a better feel when you see the skis
There were a few times I caught decent air and you could not even tell from the video, so my question is where is the best place to mount to get the straight ahead view
Showing the skis, second question is mine came with a small white plastic piece I thought was a teather, is it? I did not read too much into it. Finally. What setting do you
Guys use? I have mine set to 1080 is that the best? I have seen you tube videos shot with a go pro that look incredible and my trial video looked ok, but nothing near
As good as those HD videos I have seen, thanks in advance for any replies!


New member
I have a couple questions for you guys with Go Pros, I got one for christmas this year and will use it for the first time up in Ishpeming in a couple weeks, I did
Do a trial run with it mounted to the top back of the helmet, the view was perfect but it never caught the skis at all, I think you get a better feel when you see the skis
There were a few times I caught decent air and you could not even tell from the video, so my question is where is the best place to mount to get the straight ahead view
Showing the skis, second question is mine came with a small white plastic piece I thought was a teather, is it? I did not read too much into it. Finally. What setting do you
Guys use? I have mine set to 1080 is that the best? I have seen you tube videos shot with a go pro that look incredible and my trial video looked ok, but nothing near
As good as those HD videos I have seen, thanks in advance for any replies!

Which model do you have? I have the the Hero 2 and it's perfect. I set it to 1080 and I get the widescreen with it.


Active member
How strong is the sticky pad? Very strong. I went with this camera and set up because several of my friends have been using them on their race cars for many years. These take 100+ mph crashes and keep running! Even when cars have rolled over I have not seen a camera "eject" from the mounting.

Settings - I set my Hero 2 to 960. Still HD but does not use as much memory. I might try 720 next time as most of the film from last week is larger than a DVD disk. I also ran into a big problem trying to upload even short clips as they set up to 50meg or larger just for a minute or so. This makes it harder to share with your buddies. If anyone has suggestions on compressing these files or what software program to use I am open to your advice. Last week I recorded over 200GB of film for 30hrs of filming.


New member
Sorry Polarice, I forgot I posted those questions. I have the Go Pro Hero 2 as well and mine is also set to 1080, questioning if I should set it lower though do to memory space like the other guy said. What
Is that white teather for?


New member
Sorry Polarice, I forgot I posted those questions. I have the Go Pro Hero 2 as well and mine is also set to 1080, questioning if I should set it lower though do to memory space like the other guy said. What
Is that white teather for?

I don't know what that white thing is for. I'd like to know myself.

I would say its up to you for video size. I personally like the widescreen videos. They take more space but look better. I have a 32 gig card. It may be a good idea to get a couple.


New member
I have 2 16s I will keep on 1080 if you say picture quality is better. I will post some vids of the Big Bay Mi area in a few weeks... Stay tuned


New member
The white flexable piece is a lock that will prevent the "locking clip" from snapping out of the mounting bracket...you squeeze it into the void preventing the the locks from coming unengaged.


The white flexable piece is a lock that will prevent the "locking clip" from snapping out of the mounting bracket...you squeeze it into the void preventing the the locks from coming unengaged.

Actually the white flexible rubber piece that fits into the mount is for eliminating noise. Without it in you get a lot of noise from the plastic mount creaking, but with it installed that noise is eliminated.


New member
The white flexable piece is a lock that will prevent the "locking clip" from snapping out of the mounting bracket...you squeeze it into the void preventing the the locks from coming unengaged.

You are correct...says so in the manual and in a response from GoPro clarifying its use. If you want to tighten up the slide in mount use some electrical tape on the base to shim up the slop for a tight fit.


Official GoPro Response

Sorry…we need to do a better job of explaining that part. It is not a dampening part, although it does do a wee bit of that as a side effect of its true purpose.

It is a quick release lock that prevents the camera from popping out of its mount in the event of a heavy rear impact. It’s rare that it happens but important to use that rubber plug/lock in high impact watersports like surfing or kayaking where a big wave or impact with water could hammer the camera from behind. Good to use that lock skiing, too, where a heavy wipeout could lead to a header in the powder.



New member
Wow, I was going to ask if someone could post a pic of it attached, and they beat me too it! Thanks so much for taking the time to post that, now I get it.
I think a better idea from go pro would have been to invent something like this for the camera itself, I fear I will lose it sometime and its an expensive little toy.
Has anyone come up with a home made teather?

Midnight Rider

New member
Mounted my camera on the left hand side of my helmet and had no issues with it all weekend. There are a few shots of my hand going up to check on it being there though.

I have a 32gig card and had the camera set on 960-30 I was able to film 120 miles across 4 hours of riding. I'm loading the vids to YouTube now, nothing crazy to look at, but some nice scenery east of watersmeet.