Gogebic grooming, are they doing it yet?


New member
Any news on trail 1 from Presque Isle to the Hoop, trail 13 on the east side (with logging issue). Are they grooming or is it the same old,same old? Thanks


Well-known member
Yes they are grooming it's not perfect but they are working on it and I can only speak of trail 1 from wis. To Marenisco to gogebic lodge then lake to the hoop


New member
We rode from Hurley to Gogebic on Saturday and 8 along the power lines and highway was brutal...Not to mention damn cold. We rode Iron county WI today and it was fantastic.


Well-known member
Well this is from Jan 11 I was in Rockland and wanted to see the difference in grooming. Everything was really good till I got to the part that Gogebic grooms. Well was in Gogebic later that night and they groomed but still was not good. The middle was not packed and all bumpy. The sides were fine but middle was worse then not groomed. I never saw grooming that looked like this and I have 1700 miles for the year so I have been all over.

Third picture is where Gogebic stops grooms maybe they just need to be shown how to groom

go1.jpg go1.jpg rock.jpg


New member
Ive been to gogebic twice this year. I blame thad bad trails on lack of grooming on top of high traffic. Then throw in operator error on groomers part when they do groom equals recipe for crappy trails


We rode 8 from Ironwood out through Bergland and it was in good shape in the morning (1/12/18). We ran into a groomer coming off 102 (It was mint!) and heading west on 8, this was at about 10:00am

It was much improved since the weekend before, where we ran M28 back in the evening after a brutal morning ride through there. They are getting better for sure.

By the time we returned on Friday afternoon, it had been pounded hard as usual with a lot of traffic, but doable.

We trailered out a ways on Saturday, due to the amount of trailers we saw at the hotels in Hurley and Ironwood on Friday night.


New member
How many of you that are on here complaining are actually part of a local club? I am gonna guess and say not all of you. If you were you would know the time and effort it takes to plan out a trail system mark a trail system and volunteer your time to sit in a groomer and try and provide decent trails for people you have never met or ever will. Keep complaining that will make it better.


New member
What does being a member of a club have to do with state funded grooming? The Gogebic area claims their in the negative on funds? The state provides the equipment, fuel, and barn. So If the entire up and wi is groomed to best they can with traffic and snow and are providing superior trails to that area, what else is the problem besides lack of competence or the desire?

old abe

Well-known member
Same as before for Gogebic it sounds like. Lack of effort. It does not have to be like this, as it did not used to be. They do have traffic, but no more than other areas in the UP. And yes, I belong to a club.

Deleted member 10829

By those pictures it sure looks like they are grooming too fast and bouncing over the moguls and not letting the drag do it's "thing". The time of day they groom makes a big difference also. When we were up there in early January, we headed out of Bergland on 13N and we were first one's over so it was very good. I could see in corners that our skis were digging down pretty deep and I could tell the trail had probably been groomed less than an hour before we were on it. When we got to the northern part of 13, I could tell they had groomed long before we had been on it and it was rock solid. We ended up taking trail 13 back and the Bergland trail was rough as it didn't have a chance to set up. That is one of the most important parts of grooming, getting a solid set up.


New member
What does being a member of a club have to do with state funded grooming? The Gogebic area claims their in the negative on funds? The state provides the equipment, fuel, and barn. So If the entire up and wi is groomed to best they can with traffic and snow and are providing superior trails to that area, what else is the problem besides lack of competence or the desire?

Well, that is a stupid reply from someone who knows nothing about clubs and how trails are planned funded and maintained. You imply that the trails are maintained by some sort of DOT like organization which is not the case at all. The funds are one thing, but most of the work is done by volunteers. In many places the funds are enough to buy and maintain equipment. If there is a lot of snow, then clubs can easily run out of funds because their fuel use will suck their accounts dry. When trails need brushing who does that? Who is welding up the equipment when there are issues? Who is replacing hydraulic hoses when they bust in the middle of the night? Who is out in spring and fall putting out trail signs and taking them down again? Who is doing the maintenance on the shed? It's all volunteers. Join a club or STFU


New member
Wow, snowbandit needs to join a club! State pays only for grooming which just pays for fuel and a little left over for maintenance. Clubs furnish everything, equipment, barn, volunteers, everything else. It's hours and hours of work grooming, brushing, maintaining trails and maintaining equipment---DA STATE has nothing to do with that! Join a club and see for yourself.


Active member
What does being a member of a club have to do with state funded grooming? The Gogebic area claims their in the negative on funds? The state provides the equipment, fuel, and barn. So If the entire up and wi is groomed to best they can with traffic and snow and are providing superior trails to that area, what else is the problem besides lack of competence or the desire?

This last weekend were the drag races on Lake Wisota by Chippewa Falls Wisconsin. All the fees for participating went straight to the club funds. The reason this happened is because Al the owner of The Edge Bar and Grill hosted the event, paid for all the insurance for the event, and paid for the plaques. Wisota Dock prepped and maintained the drag runs because it was snowing all day.

It takes clubs, and businesses.You need them both to make it work. If you are in the Lake Wisota area stop in and say high to Al. Buy a beer and a burger. Enjoy being at an establishment that believes in the sport and stands behind it. If you see this Al thank you the family had a blast.


my cousin is at his place on LG right now. He says this year the trail conditions are the worst he's seen since the mid eighties when he built his home. From trail rerouting, downed brush and trees, logging and lack of grooming, lake gogebic area has been a nightmare this season. Im planning on joining him this weekend for my last trip of the year, were probably going to head east in search of flat trails.