Good Rental sled for a really tall guy?

Hey Guys,

Coming up to Houghton in a couple of weeks for 4 days of riding. One of my buddies rents and he is 6'6" tall with really long legs. He has been renting for years, usually a Polaris 500 liquid (edge, old style seat) or an older Arctic Cat Panther 2 up with the older banana style seat he can stretch out on. His legs are so long, he just can't get comfortable on the newer rider forward, taller sleds. And he has a bum knee so keeping it bent all day just kills him. We basically just ride the trails, no boondocking.

So we checked out what it available up there as it is very difficult to find anyone who still rents the older style sleds. Dan's Polaris rents the IQ. You can get an older RMK from him but it is the fan cooled 550.

MM suggested the AC Crossfire 600 as a good machine for a tall guy who like to stretch out.

Any of you taller guys out there have any suggestions on the AC Crossfire? Or any other suggestion on typical rentals? Ski Doos are out as he just can't fit into the newer chassis style.



Well-known member
well the xfire is a great sled but your knees are bent but all sleds you will be bent some.I ride my xfire all the way forward with legs under me so I can stand fast.but you can move to the back of the seat and stretch out but still have a little bend I am 6ft


New member
I am 6'7" and I have a 2009 Crossfire. Last year I had a 2008 Dragon Switchback. Both very comfortable machines.


Well-known member
I'm 6'5" and ride an IQ with no problems. Rough trails I slide right up front but for cruising easy trails I strecth out and sit at the back of the seat.


I'm 6'5" and just went from a 07 F7 to a 08 F1000. Its is a lot roomier. There seems to be more room from the seat to where your feet go. I would have bought a Crossfire if I was buying new, but I'm glad I went used and ended up with a F series. Cats have always seemed to fit larger riders better.


Active member
A Crossfire should be good for him, unless you can find a new F chassis with the adjustable seat. I have bad knees, and I'm 6'2", so I ride with the seat all the way up and if the knees bother me I just slide back a little in the seat, reducing the angle. The higher the seat, the less bend you have in your knees.


New member

he should not complain about xp 8 in more leg than old rev try new cat f series with adj seat move all way forward most room of anyone
Hey thanks guys. He is renting the Crossfire. We actully went to a local dealer down here and he sat on one. Kept telling the sales rep we were not buying.........