Got Potatoes?


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Spuds 2021.jpg

I spent a good part of the day digging these beauties, some red and some russets. This is the second year I've planted taters in the garden. This years crop far outperformed last year so maybe I've learned something. One my favorites is the Baby Reds boiled and served with butter and seasoning. Certainly a big difference in taste between the home-grown and the store bought. I'll let these cure for a week or so then bag them up for winter storage. :biggrin:


Active member
We did not plant any potatoes, but our garden did great this year. We did not do anything special either, just ran the sprinkler on it because we were dry this year. I'm about sick of fresh salsa, but going out almost every morning and getting a fresh pepper and tomato for scrambled eggs never gets old.


Active member
Will be digging up our potatoes in a few more weeks. Reds, Russets, and Yukon. My kids really like the home grown potatoes the best.