Got to drive the groomer


New member
I've always wanted to drive one, not just to see what it's like, but to get as involved as I can in making our local trails enjoyable. I've been a member of our club for over 8 years and have been dropping hints about helping in the groomer for the past 2 or 3. Last weekend our main groomer driver said he'd pick me up in the groomer as he went by my house. We have a 1985 Tucker sno-cat that we've had since it was brand new. So I got to bed as early as I could and the call came in at 12:13am. Here we go. 5-7 mph. Rode shot gun for about 2 hours, then when we hit the section of trails that I install we switched seats. I drove for the next fours hours as my co-pilot worked the drag. The time went by a lot faster than I thought it would. He went by my house again at 6am and dropped me off. Keep in mind it took him two hours of grooming to get from the groomer barn to my house, so he had a lot longer night than me for sure. Got back up at 9am for a group ride on the trails. By that time the cold night had set up the ribbon almost rock hard. That day was truly my best on the trails. Both in the Tucker and on my sled. I can't wait for the opportunity to do it again.


Well-known member
That is awesome. Everyone riding a sled should do that at least one time. I'll be it would give a whole new perspective to riding a groomed trail.


New member
Thank You for all you and the rest of the club does. From one Hoosier to another Hoosier!! I've rode the Buffalo Run 4 times this year and have enjoyed all them. I took 2 different groups up there to ride also and they were surprised by how good the trail system was. Said they would be back.


Active member
wife of groomer

I've always wanted to drive one, not just to see what it's like, but to get as involved as I can in making our local trails enjoyable. I've been a member of our club for over 8 years and have been dropping hints about helping in the groomer for the past 2 or 3. Last weekend our main groomer driver said he'd pick me up in the groomer as he went by my house. We have a 1985 Tucker sno-cat that we've had since it was brand new. So I got to bed as early as I could and the call came in at 12:13am. Here we go. 5-7 mph. Rode shot gun for about 2 hours, then when we hit the section of trails that I install we switched seats. I drove for the next fours hours as my co-pilot worked the drag. The time went by a lot faster than I thought it would. He went by my house again at 6am and dropped me off. Keep in mind it took him two hours of grooming to get from the groomer barn to my house, so he had a lot longer night than me for sure. Got back up at 9am for a group ride on the trails. By that time the cold night had set up the ribbon almost rock hard. That day was truly my best on the trails. Both in the Tucker and on my sled. I can't wait for the opportunity to do it again.

It might have been fun for you since it was your first time and you had someone else to talk to. But when you are by yourself for 10hrs a night two three times a week, it can wear on you. Not much fun when you come home and have to try and catch up on sleep and someone wants to go riding. Don't get me wrong, my hubby is proud of his grooming, so bad that sometimes we got to go riding the next day so he can see how he did.


Congrats on your time 'at the helm'.

I'm sure I speak for alot of us when I say ' we'r a little jealous'...

Shouldn't there be a picture or a pinning ceremony for something like this....? Just kidding but a pic would have be the icing on the cake.



Well-known member
I haven't groomed in a few years, but I got to go out one morning for 4 hours and took my boys along. 4 hours was a little to long for them, but they didn't complain to much and were ready to go again anytime. That was one very enjoyable morning for this proud papa. They were so excited that they got up an hour earlier than we were going to wake them. Hope to do that again, just may need to wait until next year.


New member
I just had the same experience a couple weeks ago after "the big blizzard" in southern WI. We were also runing a Tucker Sno-Cat. At that point we were only out to knock down the road crossings and drifts, we didn't attempt to pull the drag. We were plowing down some 8' drifts and some of the road crossings were unbelievably huge! No tractor and drag would have gotten through or over them. I had a good time. We were out from 5pm til 5am, and about 1/2 mile from home I got stuck. Yeah I was driving again and we went on the same trail that we had started out on. As we broke it double wide, one side busted through a drift and the thing sunk. There we sat. It was -18*. Dug it out the next day. The following day the neighboring club had gotten the tractor stuck 6 times at road crossings and drifts...they borrowed the same Tucker. Normally the two clubs share a tractor and drag and the Tucker sits in the shed. That Tucker saved a ton of time and frustration for us!!


New member
It might have been fun for you since it was your first time and you had someone else to talk to. But when you are by yourself for 10hrs a night two three times a week, it can wear on you. Not much fun when you come home and have to try and catch up on sleep and someone wants to go riding. Don't get me wrong, my hubby is proud of his grooming, so bad that sometimes we got to go riding the next day so he can see how he did.

I'm sure it can wear on someone real quick. The whole idea I'm working on is to have more groomer drivers so we can split up the work more. I left out several details, including the dead stump that my mentor caught up in the drag, and at 2am when trying to back up to get that out we lodged the drag up against a tree and had to completely unhook the drag to hook up a chain to move it over. Two sledders came up at that time, and upon seeing our dilemma decided that didn't want to help and turned out and took off. That fiasco took about an hour. I also had to stop and back up three times after cutting some corners wrong in the wooded sections.

Here's a pic I took.



New member
I live close to the trail and always ride it quite a bit during the snow season, snow depending of course. every single trip out this year, I never noticed any sign of any grooming taking place, or that had taken place. I know the club has a groomer but have never seen it in action. just wondering about that. I know we have excellent snow this year. Maybe you could shed some light on what the process is for grooming on the Indiana side of the trail. Michigan side has been sweet all season long. Thanks.


I live close to the trail and always ride it quite a bit during the snow season, snow depending of course. every single trip out this year, I never noticed any sign of any grooming taking place, or that had taken place. I know the club has a groomer but have never seen it in action. just wondering about that. I know we have excellent snow this year. Maybe you could shed some light on what the process is for grooming on the Indiana side of the trail. Michigan side has been sweet all season long. Thanks.

Jion the local club and ask them at the next meeting!


New member
I live close to the trail and always ride it quite a bit during the snow season, snow depending of course. every single trip out this year, I never noticed any sign of any grooming taking place, or that had taken place. I know the club has a groomer but have never seen it in action. just wondering about that. I know we have excellent snow this year. Maybe you could shed some light on what the process is for grooming on the Indiana side of the trail. Michigan side has been sweet all season long. Thanks.

By noon the trail seems to be 100 feet wide from the heavy, heavy traffic we get. No one seems to stay within the markers. If you stay within the markers, even though it appears bumpy, the ride is 100% smoother. With most, it seems the trail markers are just a "general area to follow" when riding.