Gotta be a scam right??


New member
got this response to a sled I have listed on snowmobile classified web site it's a scam right?
* I appreciate your prompt response,and i highly apologise for my late response,I am ok with the price and i will proceed with making out payment in form of a cashier check,I will ask my accountant to make it out to you this week ok?The check* will come in form of an excess payment,when you get it cashed and deduct your money,you will send the rest to my mover,he just start a trucking business and he his picking some antiques i bought previously on craiglist for me in some states,so he will come over to meet you and do the pick up ,but prior to his meeting you,the excess payment will be forwarded to him as his own form of payment,I will be delighted if you accept my offer because all this is in a bid to speed things up, you don't need to get apprehensive about the check,the balance will only be forwarded to him when the check clears your bank.
** If you are willingly to proceed,Let me have your Full Name to be on the check,full physical address to mail the check to,Zip Code,
home & cell phone to contact You


New member
Yes, it is!! But, it's fun to toy with these jackarses. Reply and ask him if he even knows what he's buying, and see what kind of response you get. Then if he replies, tell him you want cash, and you won't sell to anyone who doesn't test drive what you have for sale. There's fun to be had with these idiots, but only if you have the time...otherwise, ignore it altogether. I tend to toy with em for a couple days. Trust me, he/she is not even in the US, and truly has no idea what the item for sale actually is.


Active member
Yes, it is!! But, it's fun to toy with these jackarses. Reply and ask him if he even knows what he's buying, and see what kind of response you get. Then if he replies, tell him you want cash, and you won't sell to anyone who doesn't test drive what you have for sale. There's fun to be had with these idiots, but only if you have the time...otherwise, ignore it altogether. I tend to toy with em for a couple days. Trust me, he/she is not even in the US, and truly has no idea what the item for sale actually is.

I've done this a few times when I find a deal to good to be true. I inquire and then get an email saying the guy had to move and now the car is in some other state but still at the shipping company and he'll ship it back after I send a deposit or something like that. I normally say something like that's great my brother lives in that state so he'll come pick it up. Then I just keep trying to string him along.

Kind of like the telemarketer guy. When they ask for so and so, I say just a minute, put the phone down and leave it on the desk. I'll check back in 30 seconds and say he's on his way. Just trying to string them along for as long as I can cause they just want to keep making calls so the more time they waste with me the worse for them.


New member
Had a reply to an add almost word for word. Played with them sending messages back and forth for about a week. You can make a fun game with it.


New member
Still waiting for my airline tickets, FB scam. Latest is that you get an email stateing you got a FEDX or UPS package waiting for you at the Post Office and they need confirmation info for you to be able to pick it up.


New member
They send you a bad check that you cash, then you send them a good check for the "difference" in the amount, then a day or two later your bank notifies you that the check you cashed from them failed to clear so now you're out the amount they sent you, plus the amount you sent them.

And yes, people do fall for this scam. They will send out millions of emails and get less than 1% of the people to respond and fall for it, which adds up to a lot of money.


Received 2 or 3 of these same emails this year from selling my sled. They sure don't give up easily.


Well-known member
Tell him to send you the check at your place of work, then list your place of work at the local police station. See if the check ever gets sent