GPS trail maps


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<font color="0000ff">"…last year i lost my digital compas so i could also loose my gps."</font>
You might lose it if it is too loose!


New member
I found a GPS in the middle of a trail a few years ago. I actually ran it over and then went back for it, and luckily it still worked. It was right there in the middle and totally undisturbed, so the guy must have just gone past minutes before. I took it along and asked some people, but didn't find the owner. When I got home I posted on and within an hour or two the owner's wife wrote me and I got it back to them.

I have a tether on my GPS and tie that around the handlebar, just in case.


New member
fatdaddy i just put it in my pocket or backpackand and pull it out when needed or you could use the mount sled shows but be careful with that mount have heard with time it loosens up and could fall off so tether it to sled. also carry a map just in case you never know, tech is nice but usually fails when you need the most


do you guys have trouble with the display freezing, just wondering. I looked at he sledgps site and it looks like everything is in red, but it didn't show all the trails, do they update these every year or not. When should i get the down load. I noticed that garmin has a disk for training, do i need this or not, I'm just starting out remember


New member
do the guy thing put batteries in throw manual in desk and start playing with it . they are not to hard to figure out.dont know about freezeing but battery life is much better the warmer it is kept ,still tracked just fine even in my inside pocket of jacket. haven't done a update download on mine in 2 years.


New member
sledzeppelin, Is it a white colored Garmin with some very little black? Found on trail 8 between Grand Marais, pine stump junction, west of Paradise? If so it is mine. Keep it. I bought new Lowrance XOG unit with good Ram mount. Also lost socks and toothbrush along the way. Bonus found 2 qts. amsoil in trail that day.


Not to rain on your electronic parade but,Do you think that the trend is that GPS is the only way to go? The reason I ask is that #1 is it that safe to be looking at your GPS while blasting done the trail or is it something that you'll stop or pull off to the side to check your status/whereabouts?
I have a GPS in my truck and I find I can be easily distracted by trying to focus on the screen vs. the road ahead.
#2 Having just completed getting sponsors and new trail routes on the trail map of my area, would you still be using my sponsors business' now that you don't see them on the map?(GPS)
Also the clubs do take in some money for these maps that they have printed for your use. Do you also belong to a club/ or do you help with the trails where you ride? Just wondering.


New member
Polarisrider - nope, that's not the one, and I also don't have your socks and toothbrush.
This was a Lowrance and it was near Orr, MN.



I do belong to a club in WI, and I also carry a map with me. Trust me when I say I visit places alot. I just thought it would be fun to see where I'm at and how far I have to go.


New member
I'm also looking for gps maps for this season...anyone have any thoughts on vs.

I bought a 60 csx at the end of the season last year and never got the maps installed. I've never used either of the above so I'd appreciate any advice.

I primarily ride in Wisconsin and Michigan, so the paid price for these would be similar, although offers free versions as well.

I'm trying to decide the same thing here as iusmit, and didn't really see too much commentary on one vs. the other here. I also ride Wisconsin and Michigan UP, Do either of these vendors have their turn by turn out yet? The free or sample maps don't really seem to show snowmobile related business, like fuel, repair, food, drink, etc. I like the idea of turn by turn, but also, it would be great to do things like search for nearest fuel stop or food. I have a Garmin Nuvi 880 and downloaded GPSSledmaps free stuff, and am looking for a bit more...any thoughts on your experience with the $$ versions of these?


New member
I carry the Garmin 60CSX. I have had it for almost three years. I always carry it in my jacket and the GPS tethered with some parachute rip cord to my pocket zipper. I don't trust to have it on the sled because you can lose it. The 60Csx is a good model, but to use it on the sleds can be difficult for someone just learning how to use a GPS so you do have to play with the unit a bit before you learn to rely on it. Always carry a map if you are running off batteries especially. I have used some programs and like the sled gps programs the best, but I have not tried the free ones. Although the handheld and other units on the sled are not what they can be just yet or as comparted to the one in your car, they have gotten better every year. If someone does not have the turn by turn one for sleds yet, next season would be ok with me. Not a bad thing to have in an emergency too. Cell phones usually don't work on the trail. Being an old Marine, learn how to use the map first.


New member
Also, someone asked about the 60CSX, I got the ones from Couple errors were on the maps, but nothing serious. I emailed the corrected files from the UP trips last year of where I thought they were wrong. I got the "chip" from and just pulled the old one out that I used for the trip up on the car and put the one in. It was quite simple. The chip is the way to go, keeps it simple because of how the programs are set up by Garmin if you use it in your car. if you have questions email me at since I don't check this as often as I like, be happy to help anyone with that model and explain my "learning experiences".


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Will my Nuvi 205W work on the sled or will the cold kill it? Do I have to pay another $300 to buy a Nuvi 500?


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Go with the lithium batts. on these lasts alot longer than conventional batts. also they still work @ 30* below zero


New member
I also ride Wisconsin and Michigan UP, Do either of these vendors have their turn by turn out yet?

Our Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and Maine routable (turn by turn) maps have been out for a few weeks. Wisconsin will be ready this coming week. There are screenshots on the site showing how the routing works. I can't wait to use the routing myself here in Minnesota, but we're still a bit short on snow.